Delhi must adhere to guiding principles and seek areas of agreement with regard to the Middle East.


India’s political class is starting to realize how crucial the Middle East is to both the nation’s economic success and overall security, and that it would be inappropriate for the country’s ongoing tragedy to be used as a political football between the ruling BJP and the opposition Congress.

It has been unsettling to watch local politics monopolize the conversation on an international crisis in the neighborhood ever since the horrifying attack on southern Israel on October 7. Congress has been charged with softening its stance against terrorism and courting the so-called Muslim vote.

In response, the BJP has been accused of diluting India’s longstanding support for Palestine and caving to its Hindutva base. After several strange detours, a spokeswoman for the Congress has denounced “attacks on the innocent civilians of Israel by Hamas.”

Unusually for him, Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded swiftly by condemning the terrorist assaults and expressing support for Israel. Days later, a Ministry of External Affairs spokeswoman reaffirmed India’s long-standing support for the creation of a Palestinian state.

However, India does not need to appear to be “balanced” or “both-sided” in order to be taken seriously. It involves upholding steadfast values and keen interests that coincide on the issue of terrorism.

Delhi has long held the correct belief that acts of violence against innocent civilians constitute terrorism and cannot be excused by the pretense of a higher political morality. The idea that “resolving the root cause” is required to end terrorism has been rejected by Delhi due to the consideration of interests.

Congress is undoubtedly aware of how Pakistan has historically used Kashmir as justification for its support of and involvement in cross-border terrorism. Congress has been the dominant political force in the country for many years.

One of the main goals of the Indian state is to shield its domestic politics from the endless unrest in the Middle East.

It will be very expensive for the polity to use the Middle East for domestic political purposes. The difficulty for Delhi will increase as the situation worsens due to Israel’s impending invasion of Gaza.