A 22° Halo Around The Sun, Observed Over Prayagraj , Uttar Predesh


A sun halo is a stunning natural phenomenon that occurs when the sun’s light is refracted through ice crystals in the atmosphere. These halos often appear as a bright, circular ring around the sun, and can be seen in many parts of the world under the right conditions.

In Prayagraj, a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, sun halos are a relatively rare occurrence but still happen occasionally. When they do appear, they can be a breathtaking sight, drawing crowds of onlookers who gather to marvel at the natural wonder.

One of the best times to see a sun halo in Prayagraj is during the winter months, when the air is cold and dry. This type of weather is ideal for the formation of ice crystals in the atmosphere, which are necessary to create the halo effect. Typically, the halo will form as a bright, glowing ring around the sun, with a range of colors visible in the light refracted through the ice crystals.

For many people in Prayagraj, seeing a sun halo is a rare treat, and one that is often viewed as a symbol of good luck or prosperity. Many believe that the appearance of a halo around the sun is a sign of divine intervention or a blessing from the gods, and they may offer prayers or make offerings in thanks.

Regardless of its symbolic meaning, there is no denying the beauty and awe-inspiring nature of a sun halo. For those lucky enough to witness this natural wonder in Prayagraj, it is a reminder of the power and majesty of the world around us, and a testament to the mysteries of the universe that continue to fascinate and captivate us all.