Career Counselling for NEET/JEE Aspirants by CIGMA


Alert to all parents who are planning to admit their son/daughter for 2 year Integrated NEET Coaching in 2023

Dear Parent

If your son / daughter is giving Class 10 Board Exams this year – 2023, it’s very likely that till now, you would have received Admission Marketing calls from many PUC / Junior Colleges offering Integrated Coaching for 2 years PUC / Class 11 & 12 with Integrated Coaching for NEET.

Beware !

Most of these Colleges have absolutely no quality coaching. In the name of NEET, they are collecting huge fees in lakhs and after 2 years and spending 2-4 lakhs students find themselves having wasted their time, efforts and money!

Unfortunately Only after joining the college, after paying heavy fees, the parents and students get to know the reality.

Only 10% of the total students get the best quality coaching while the rest are left out on their own to study and score. Different levels are created and only the top level is given the best. Rest are just money bags

What to do ? What is the right approach ?

1. Before you decide to join, speak to at least 10 students who scored 600+ out of 720 in NEET and joined MBBS.

2. Students who scored 600+ will reveal the secrets of cracking NEET and what is required to achieve 600+ with coaching aouncilingnd without coaching.

3. Many have shared their success secrets on YouTube as well. Check the videos.

4. Meet their parents. They will share more about how the atmosphere at home or away from made the difference.

5. You will find that most of the students who made it to MBBS are actually NEET repeaters for 1-3 years. Many cleared only after changing their own mindset, efforts and discipline than the coaching centre efforts.

6. These students who have scored 600+ have achieved this mainly because of their inner ability, focus, self study and discipline. Check your self on the Top 5 habits these people followed to achieve 600+.

Why am I Sharing this message ?

In last 5 years NEET coaching has become the easiest way to trap students and parents with high promises.

Integrated PU Colleges are selling NEET like how Fair & Lovely sold hope. Aapka Sapna, Hamara Profit

More than 90% students who prepare for NEET through high paid coaching centres end up with demotivation, depression and loss of lakhs of rupees.

Is there some basic homework parents can do before taking the big risk ?

1. Yes. Please discover your Child’s mental ability, academic passion & personality before you put him / her for Integrated Coaching or even Coaching for NEET.

2. To score 600+ requires certain specific Personality traits. For Example Achievement Orientation. Student who has this personality trait loves to set high goals, targets and works to achieve them.

3. Only a Score of 600+ can guarantee a government medical seat. Hence Student must know what it takes to crack 600+. Even if performance drops in actual NEET and student gets 550+ he / she will semi government MBBS Seat.

4. Get clarity on what score in NEET takes you into which course. Not all who clear NEET become MBBS doctors.

5. NEET also opens doors for BDS, BAMS, BUMS, BHMS & BNYS. Are you prepared for this or just want to stick to MBBS ?

Issued in the interest of millions of Parents who work very hard every day, pay heavy fees and have a dream for their child

Ameen e Mudassar
Founder & CEO
CIGMA, Bangalore
WhatsApp : +919845567687

Career Guide, Mentor & Advisor to Students, Parents & Teachers since 2001

Message Published on 21 February 2023.

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