Good Manners: It’s Importance in Islam


Our Prophet (SAW) said about good manners in one of His hadith in these words:

 “Nothing is weightier on the Scale of Deeds than one’s good manners” (Bukhari)

Adab refers to the Islamic etiquette. Allah Almighty made Him (PBUH) the best and perfect example for the people and sent him only for the purpose of perfecting good morals. There is no one in a good manner than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Allah Almighty said in Holy Quran: “And indeed, you are of a great moral character” (Quran, 68:4) The virtues of good manners are seen in various other hadiths which points to the good character that is pleasing to Allah Almighty and His Messenger Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Good Manners and Islam

Good manners or Adab consists of spreading words of peace, reviving broken relationships between people, involves praying for other Muslim brothers and sisters, advising and calling each other to do good and to stop which is evil. Good manners are about respecting parents, elders, neighbours and showing love and compassion to the young ones. Visiting the sick and abstaining from evils such as backbiting and slandering also includes in good manners. Allah loves those who possess these great qualities.

If someone wants to achieve success it is by good manners that every success can be achieved in this life.  Good manners and sense of morality can prevent us from falling into sins. A Muslim can’t be a true Muslim if he does his all kinds of worships i.e. prayer, fast, zakat, pilgrimage etc. in the best way but neglects an important side of his worship i.e. good manners. A person who offers his daily prayers in mosques timely and in a proper way, but when it comes to dealing with other people in his daily life he is the worst person, cannot be considered a true Muslim. Furthermore, it is not only Allah’s Love that you gain but also the love and respect of those around you. Even the disbelievers of Mecca who wanted to kill the Prophet (PBUH) acknowledged his truthfulness. None could deny his noble character and good manners.

Dealing others with good manners means to put them at ease the way that Islam recommended us to deal with. It is not just the important part of our religion Islam but also makes our social life more pleasant. It involves praying for your brothers and sisters in Islam, advising and calling each other to do good and to stop that which is evil.

The good manners and the sense of morality can prevent us from falling into sins.


Lastly, here are some tips on how to practice Adab in the best way:

  • We must learn to pass on good manners and the very best of Adab to our family and friends.
  • We should treat our parents with utmost kindness and humility.
  • We should try to teach the younger ones about good manners. The best way to teach is to first practice it ourselves.
  • It is a good thought to follow the basics: share smiles with whoever we meet, share our joy and happiness with others and forgive those who commit mistakes.

As believers must keep on improving our manners. Only then can we complete our faith and hope to earn the Mercy of our Creator so that we may enter paradise, where we truly belong.

“The most beloved of Allah’s servants to Allah are those with the best manners.” (Al-Bukhari)