Interview with the Author of ‘Let the Sun RISE for Marginal Indians’


The Author of the book is a 35 years old Passionpreneur, Career Counsellor, IT (SAP) Architect, IT Applications Manager, IT Corporate Trainer, IT Auditor and IT (SAP) Next Generation Technologies Architect.

Q-1) Whom do you refer to as Marginalized Indians?

Marginalized Indians are the common Indians who find it hard to make their daily ends meet, irrespective of caste, class, region and religion.

Q-2) What is your motive to write such a book?

I wanted to provide an updated User Manual to Marginalized Indians to understand, categorize and express their experiences, ground realities, issues (like Education, Jobs etc.) and solutions achieved through Islamic Principles in a language easily understood by all.

Q-3) When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

There was no as such plan of being a writer. While working for Marginalized Indians, I realized that the biggest pain point was the correct categorization of Issues, due to which the actual root causes could not be identified thereby failing us to reach the solution. Hence, I decided to pen down the experiences, ground realities, issues and solutions achieved through Islamic Principles in a language easily understood by all.

Q-4) How long did it take you to write this book?

Documenting everthing has always been a practise since the start of EduSpheres in Feb, 2017, but decided to give it a shape of a book after realising the need to provide a User Manual to masses in year 2020.

Q-5) How do you plan to spread your work?

Reach out to as many Thinkers, Planners, Doers (NGOs, Educational Institutions, Medical Institutions, Volunteers) and Beneficiaries as possible. And then bringing out the updated version every 3 years.