Report: Healthcare Aid Case

  • Sub: – Healthcare Aid for Liver Transplant
    Project ID- SC-HA-012023-01
    Healthcare Aid: One of our sisters from Allahabad, was in need of Medical Aid for
    lever transplant of her mother.
    Doctor Prescription: She met a renowned doctor, and was advised liver
    transplant at Apollo Hospital, Lucknow.
    Liver Transplant Cost: Total cost for liver transplant was coming out to 28 Lakhs
    EduSpheres Help: EduSpheres Education Foundation helped by-
     Getting discount from the Doctor worth 5 Lakhs INR
     Arranging Government Aid of 10 Lakhs INR
     Arranging Qarz-e-Hasana (a type of loan) worth 1.5 Lakh INR from a Donor
     Arranging Qarz-e-Hasana (a type of loan) worth 35000 INR from a Donor
     Arranging Sadqa (a type of donation) worth 15000 INR from a Donor
     Arranging Qarz-e-Hasana (a type of loan) worth1.0 Lakh INR from a Donor
    Treatment: Patient succumbed to sickness (May Allah SWT grant her best place in
    Conclusion: Patient’s relatives have returned half of amount collected so far, to
    be utilized in other community projects, In Sha Allah.

Thank You,
EduSpheres Education Foundation