Shirk’ -the unforgiveable sin


By Faisal Ahmed Khan

When the humanity is under the grip of the pandemic and death is prevalent everywhere, it is imperative for humanity to get rid of ‘Shirk’ of all forms. Shirk is the only unforgiveable sin; What is ‘Shirk’ and why it is unforgiveable? In simple terms, associating partner with Almighty is considered as ‘Shirk’. Acquaintance with various aspects of ‘Shirk’ plays a significant role in its understanding. Quran mentions,’’ Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him ˹in worship but forgives anything else of whoever He wills. And whoever associates others with Allah has indeed committed a grave sin (4:48)’’.

There are few distinct categories of Shirk as follows:

Shirk in Lordship: This is the deviation from the fact that Allah alone has created everything when there was nothing without seeking help of anyone. As mentioned in
Quran, ‘’ Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything.’’ (39:62). Furthermore,’ When it is Allah Who created you and whatever you do?’ (37:96). And, ‘’ No Calamity befalls ‘anyone’ except by Allah’s will. And whoever has faith in Allah, He will ‘rightly’ guide their heart through adversity. And Allah has perfect knowledge of all things (64: 11). Hence, Allah is the Supreme in His authority without any doubt. Those who attribute this authority to any worldly or heavenly creatures except the Supreme One are committing ‘Shirk’ in Lordship. Besides this, denial of existence of the Supreme Authority and believing spontaneous existence of universe is also considered as Shirk. As a matter of fact, majority of human beings on face of the earth by default or fitrah believe in One God, hence whenever they are in distress or overwhelmed with pain often mention ‘O my God, help me’.

Shirk in Attributes: this type of ‘Shirk’ include both bringing down the status of Almighty to of a human being and elevating the human beings to the level of Almighty Allah. The first case, often results in giving a human face, form or sculpture to Almighty. In the second case, giving elevation of Almighty God to an ordinary human being by projecting as super-human, illuminating them in pictures and paintings. Furthermore, associating the attributes of Almighty to them is a type of Shirk which is found in a vast majority of population of the world. Many a times, the intensity of a particular emotions like love, fear, admiration, attachment, adulation leads to attribute the status of God. For example, immense love and respect for parents, teachers, saints, prophets, peer, murshid, imams, mentor, celebrity player, singer, film star, doctor etc, which tends to be overwhelmed and person start referring them as God or incarnation of God.

Shirk in Act of Worship: The act of worship should be intended toward the Almighty directly without any intervention whatsoever. Almighty has got extraordinary powers to know the intentions of our hearts hence, there is absolutely no need to appoint mediators to reach out Almighty. As Allah mentions in Quran,’’ When My servants ask you O Prophet, about me; I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond,’ with obedience to Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will be guided’ to the Right Way.’ (2:186).

Shirk in the act of worship happens when human start worships other creatures and humans. Furthermore, even if someone making worship of Almighty but with intention to show off or please others than Almighty is also committing Shirk. Hence, the intention of worship should be to please Almighty Allah and nothing else. Moreover, the true love should be associated with only Almighty Allah has mentioned in Quran,’’ Say, O Prophet, if you sincerely love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive yours sins. For Allah is All-forgiving, Most Merciful.’’ (3:31)

Why Shirk is considered as unforgiveable sin? Allah has made Shirk the unforgivable sin not because He wanted human being to be safeguarded against the mother of all evils and deviations. Once a person has committed ‘Shirk’ he has exposed himself to the risks of misguidance, exploitation, disgrace, frustration, hopelessness and eternal failures. This matter need to ponder upon with an open mind and with any prejudice to achieve the ultimate truth, eternal peace and real emancipation.

(The author is from Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. He is Former Associate at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.)

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