Unity in Diversity :  Farmers Protest And  Indian Muslim’s Brotherhood With Solidarity

By Ms. Injila Khan  siyasat.net
If we turn pages and look back in the history of India, we will find that communal harmony between diverse communities of India shook much leadership. One such knot  could be seen in ‘The Revolt of 1857’ which is seen as the symbol of peace and harmony among the two major communities in India, i.e., Hindus and Muslims. And it was this bond that made the British insecure. They knew if this collective consonance between Hindus and Muslims continues to grow, the British Raj is near to its end. The camaraderie between Hindus and Muslims then, led to the commencement of such a massive Revolt of 1857. And that is why the British adopted ‘divide & rule’ policy which is still in practice. Only the face of leaders is changed.
This brethren of Indian citizens can be witnessed even today in the ongoing Farmers Rally- “Dilli Chalo” march where farmers are holding agitation over Centre’s farm bills. Muslim brothers have made arrangements in mosques in Delhi. They are offering food for farmers coming from Punjab, Haryana and other states. In such times of apprehension, they are spreading the message of ‘unity in diversity’. A similar drive was seen in September where Muslim youth served langar for Sikh farmers who were protesting in Punjab’s Malerkotla. This is the model of India coined ages back.
 Today, the world can see that farmers, on one hand, were welcomed with water cannons and teargas and on the other hand, they were embraced with warm hospitality and support by fellow citizens. This was the hour when Muslims paid back for the times when our farmers and other communities stood by their side during CAA-NRC. Indians again showed that it is humanity which is above all. The leaders who erupt violence between two communities do it for their political benefit. And this brotherhood is what they want to tear down.
We preach the slogan of “Jai Jawaan, Jai Kisaan” but conversely, farmers are treated with such dereliction that they had to face clashes with security personnel. This is not a fight with the government but a peaceful dissent against a law passed by the State. But in contemporary times, rights like right to peaceful protest, right to freedom of speech and expression, etc. have got confined to theory only.
This is the time we need to provide food for the food providers of our nation and be their backbone. Let the nation know that Indian Muslims are spreading the message of humanity. Let our actions be our voices that reach across oceans giving the symbolic message of the awe-inspiring solidarity among Indian common masses.
  (www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India based website)
 (Author is working with Delhi based NGO. She has her Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Peace Building)