Diet tips for Summer

Summer Diet Tips

Drink plenty of water:
There are many reasons why water is an essential component of our diet. Firstly, water assists the body in disposing off waste products, it also ensures a stable blood flow and provides your cells with the hydration they need in order to function properly.

Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet: An easy way to improve your diet is to reduce the amount of sugar you eat. When we’re feeling tired or sluggish, we quite often reach for sugary foods to give us that quick boost. However, the truth is that sugar isn’t great for the body. To begin weaning your body off processed sugar, it’s a good idea to start with a complete sugar detox for the first couple of days, as a way to reset your body, before slowly introducing natural sugars and unrefined carbohydrates for the remainder of the month.

Food Items to be avoided in summer:  Since the weather is hot it is advisable that hot meals should be avoided. The food should be eaten cold or when it is at room temperature. Excess ghee butter vegetables oils and spices should be avoided as they increase thirst. Food should be cooked with minimum spices and less oil. Fried items need to be avoided in summer. Hot drinks like tea, coffee should be substituted with fruit juices, lemon drinks, iced tea, cold coffee etc. Consumption of eggs, meat,fish, and dry fruits should be limited.