Gujarat Milli Council condemns Amish devgan for defaming khawaja Chisti



By Abdul hafiz lakhani      Ahmedabad

Close on the heels of News18 journalist Amish Devgan allegedly made objectionable remarks against Sufi saint of Ajmer Sharif Dargah, Moinuddin Chishti, who is popularly known as Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz last night in a media debate just to defame a great Islamic Scholar, All India Milli Council, Gujarat Chapter strongly condemned the anchor’s filthy, anti Muslim and anti Islam mindset.

 In the news debate, Devgan was seen referring to Chishti as an invader who had tortured and forcefully converted the Hindus of India. Devgan later apologised saying that he had mistakenly named Chishti in place of Allauddin Khilji.

In a statement, Gujarat Milli Council, President Mufti Rizwan Tarapuri exhorted to take strong legal action against this anchor for his remarks. He demanded that Devgan must  apologise on his TV show. He is a hate monger and he should be arrested for such dirty remarks. This is not journalism but a clear case of vulture journalism, he opined.

He further added that  after malicious and unprecedented hate propaganda against Muslims in wake of Corona pandemic and Tableegi Markaz’s episode, Now,character assassination of the great sufi saint of India has crossed all limits of hate filled gutter journalism.

GMC general secretary and editor of, Gujarat siyasat, Abdul hafiz lakhani says that this so-called  journalism is unfair, unconstitutional and unwarranted. In fact, khawaja Sahib was not an invader, he was committed to work for peace and aim at inculcating spiritual values among the people .Teachings of love and reverence and human values were  imparted by this great spiritual personality in those days in Ajmer and all over India. Devgan’s argument is deeply sectarian and Islamo-phobic and rests on a constructed ‘historic unconscious’ of Sufi saint of Ajmer Sharif Dargah, Moinuddin Chishti,  as a violent person. Indeed, the reality is entirely different. 
 According to History, Moinuddin Chishti was a 13th-century Sufi mystic saint and philosopher who travelled across South Asia, before eventually settling in Ajmer, where he died.After his death in 1236, the Sultan of Delhi (Tughluq dynasty) constructed a dargah (a commemoration structure constructed around the tomb of Muslim saints, where people from all religions come to pray and ask for favours) that grew in popularity and size over the years, he added. 
( is Ahmedabad,Gujarat, India based website)