Supporting KL Rahul, Rohit Sharma said, “He’s got the game to play the spin and seamers.”


Supporting KL Rahul, Rohit Sharma said, “He’s got the game to play the spin and seamers.” The team management had one simple message for Rahul, according to India’s skipper, ahead of their Test match against Bangladesh: “We want him to play all games, want him to bring his best.”


When asked how India might get the most out of KL Rahul, Rohit Sharma, who normally has an answer prepared, gave it careful thought. “Let’s face it, not everyone in the world of cricket has had an easy journey. I refer to the period from cricket’s inception to the present. Thus, each person has highs and lows. Rohit would conclude the silence with a thought of his own.

Following a brief silence, the captain of India went on to discuss what he expects from Rahul in the run-up to a hectic Test season that includes a trip to Australia. “I believe that everyone is aware of KL’s particular quality. He has received a very clear message from us: we want him to participate in every game. We want him to perform to the highest level. It is also our responsibility to help him reach his full potential. It’s critical that we make it very apparent to him what is expected of him. And I believe we succeeded in doing so,” Rohit stated on Tuesday.