Effects on Body of Month-Long Space Stay, Like Sunita Williams


Effects on Body of Month-Long Space Stay, Like Sunita Williams: Imagine being trapped in space, the immensity of the surroundings amazing, but the air always dangerous to your well-being. For Sunita Williams, an astronaut, this is her reality.

A technical problem with their transport vehicle is causing Sunita and Barry Wilmore to stay on the International Space Station (ISS) longer than planned. On May 25, the spacecraft—whose original mission was scheduled to last eight days—launched. But its trip to the International Space Station was delayed due to a small helium leak. On June 6, the spacecraft successfully docked with the station despite the setback.

On the ISS, the astronauts are doing well and safe, but their return journey has been put on hold. “NASA is taking our time and following our standard mission management team process,” said Steve Stich, manager of NASA’s Commercial Crew Programme.

Body fluids suffer greatly in space due to the lack of gravity. Fluids are normally spread uniformly by gravity. But in microgravity, liquids move upward, which could be problematic for the kidneys, which are the body’s filtration mechanism. Senior Consultant Nephrologist Dr. Jayant Kumar Hota of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital states that this may result in:

Fluid Imbalance: Dehydration or fluid overload may result from the kidneys’ inability to maintain the right fluid balance.

Kidney Stones: Kidney stones are uncomfortable and can be challenging to treat in space. They are increased by the increased calcium excretion from bones brought on by microgravity.

Chronic Kidney Disease: One of the main causes of kidney damage and an ongoing risk factor in space is radiation exposure, which can harm kidney tissues and cells.

The disadvantages of postponing a return

Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Senior Consultant of Internal Medicine at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, states that the health risks are higher every day if Sunita Williams’ homecoming is postponed, more so than the kidney problems:

Persistent Fluid Imbalance: Ongoing fluid redistribution may result in long-term repercussions such as chronic dehydration or fluid overload.

Loss of Muscle and Bone: Because there isn’t a steady gravitational pull in microgravity, the skeletal system and muscles are weakened.

Fluid Redistribution: This may impair vision and cognitive function, result in puffed faces, and raise intracranial pressure.

Radiation Sickness and Cancer: Exposure to cosmic radiation raises the risk of both acute radiation sickness and cancer.

Mental Health Issues: Being in a high-risk situation, being isolated, and being confined can all have a detrimental effect on mental health.

Weakened Immune System: Because of their weakened immune systems, astronauts are more vulnerable to illnesses.

As per Dr. Shruti Sharma, Consultant in Internal Medicine at Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital in Noida Extension, there are also neurological and sensory difficulties associated with it, like abnormalities in balance, eye-hand coordination, and spatial orientation. This may result in SMS, or space motion sickness. Health concerns are further complicated, she noted, by metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular strain, changes in hormone levels, and changes in the makeup of the gut bacteria.

Fighting the obstacles

Drs. Hota, Sharma, and Gupta discussed the following tactics to lessen these risks:

Exercise Program: Maintaining bone density and muscle mass requires regular exercise with specialized equipment.

Dietary Planning: Adequate nutrition for general health is ensured by a well-planned diet.

Handling Fluid Problems: Certain activities and gadgets that apply negative pressure to the lower body can assist in reducing intracranial pressure and fluid redistribution.

Radiation protection measures include employing spaceship shielding and scheduling spacewalks during periods of low solar activity to reduce radiation exposure.

Psychological Support: Recreational activities and regular family and mental health professional communication assist manage stress and preserve mental health.

Medical Monitoring: Early diagnosis and treatment of health problems are made possible by ongoing monitoring.

Long-term health depends on a timely return to Earth, even though these countermeasures are vital. According to Dr. Kumar, the combined effects of these health hazards might have serious, possibly irreversible implications with an extended stay.