Elon Musk’s 11 Audiobook Recommendations


Elon Musk’s 11 Audiobook Recommendations: Elon Musk released a list of 11 audiobook recommendations for “those who think about Rome every day” as July, the seventh month of this year, got underway. “Take a while to get through but are very much worthwhile,” he remarked of the books.

Elon Musk posted a recommendation for audiobooks on X. The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant is the first recommendation made by the 53-year-old. The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek and the Penguin edition of The Iliad are the next two works that the wealthiest person in the world recommended.

William Manchester’s American Caesar is Musk’s fourth suggestion. David Kushner’s Masters of Doom comes in at number five on the list.

Ernst Junger’s The Storm of Steel and Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction rank sixth and seventh, respectively, on the list.

Barbara W. Tuchman’s The Guns of August is the eighth book.

The list also includes Jack Weatherford’s Genghis Khan, William Bolitho Ryall’s Twelve Against the Gods, and Julius Caesar’s The Gallic Wars.

The CEO of Tesla provided podcast recommendations during a live stream on his platform X, which was once Twitter, earlier in June of this year. His top recommendation, according to the Apple Podcasts website, is Dan Carlin’s “Hardcore History” podcast, which is renowned for its “unique blend of high drama, masterful narration, and Twilight Zone-style twists.”

The “Explorers Podcast,” which highlights “the lives, explorations, and discoveries of history’s greatest explorers,” was another recommendation he made. The CEO of Tesla also enjoys listening to “The Age of Napoleon Podcast,” which explores “the general context of Europe between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries as well as the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte.”