Mr. Rahul Kanwal,Why so much hate filled gutter Journalism against Madrasas ?



By Abdul Hafiz lakhani.    Ahmedabad
After malicious and unprecedented hate propognda against Muslims in wake of Corona pendemic and Tableegi Markaz’s so-called irresponsibility, Now Madrasa are on target of hate mongering Indian media for the last two days.
India Today Channel’s news Editor Rahul Kanwal  has  put Madrasas under scanner. Rahul Kanwal described these Islamic institutions as Corona virus hotspot.  After first phase unplanned lockdown announced , hundreds of Madrasa student stuck in their respective religious schools.  They cannot move till lockdown completes. 
On last  Saturday, India Today news channel broadcast an “investigative” report showing Muslim children huddled in a room of a madarsa. The anchor, Rahul Kanwal, called madrasas “hotspots” of Coronavirus and alleged that they were not following the rules of social distancing required to curb the spread of Coronavirus.
The so-called “investigative” reportage triggered outrage and Kanwal was called out by activists on social media. Kavita Krishnan, a well known activist, posted a video on her twitter account and termed the coverage as “shameful”.
While exhibiting her anger against the anchor, Krsihnan called Kanwal a disgrace to journalism who would find his place in the dustbin of history.
Actually, This so called investigative journalism  is unfair, unconstitutional and unwarranted. In fact, Madrasas are religious centers a committed to peace and aim at inculcating spiritual values among the youth.Teachings of love and reverence and human values are imparted in these centers. Madrasas also teach students to love their brethren, . The ability to declare oneself a patriot is also part of person’s character. 
It is argued that since madrasas are theological institutions, they teach hatred and violence against other religions, which gets imprinted on the impressionable students, making them more susceptible to committing violence against people of other faiths. This argument is deeply sectarian and Islamo-phobic and rests on a constructed ‘historic unconscious’ of Islam as a violent religion. Indeed, the reality is entirely different.
As per the definition mentioned in Encyclopedia Britannica, Madrasah means “school, in Muslim countries and an institution of higher education. The Madrasah functioned until the 20th century as a theological seminary and law school, with a curriculum centered on the Quran. Arabic grammar and literature, mathematics, logic, and, in some cases, natural science were studied in Madrasah in addition to Islamic theology and law. Tuition was free, and food, lodging, and medical care were provided as well. Instruction usually took place in a courtyard and consisted primarily of memorizing textbooks and the instructor’s lectures. The lecturer issued certificates to his students that constituted permission to repeat his words.” 
wealthy families donated funds for the erection of buildings and for stipends to students and lecturers. By the end of the 12th century, Madrasah flourished in Damascus, Baghdad, Mosul, and most other Muslim cities.
As per Wikipedia, “however, in English, the term Madrasah usually refers to the specifically Islamic institutions. A typical Islamic school usually offers two courses of study: a Hifz course teaching memorization of the Qur’an (the person who commits the entire Quran to memory is called a hafiz); and an Alim course leading the candidate to become an accepted scholar in the community. A regular curriculum includes courses in Arabic, Tafsir (Qur’anic interpretation), Shariah (Islamic law), Hadiths (recorded sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad),mantiq (logic), and Muslim history. In the Ottoman Empire, during the Early Modern Period, the study of hadiths was introduced by  s.leyman I . 
Depending on the educational demands, some Madrasah also offer additional advanced courses in Arabic literature, English and other foreign languages, as well as science and world history. Ottoman Madrasah along with religious teachings also taught “styles of writing, grammary, syntax, poetry, composition, natural sciences, political sciences, and etiquette.” 
Putting Madrasah under the scanner is a gross injustice as these Madrasah have contributed to the national cause. Graduates from the Madrasah as well as the founders of some of the leading Muslim seminaries in India played an important role in the struggle against the British. From 1857 to 1947 they never compromised with the British government and always held aloft the torch of freedom. It is now a known history that Madrasah people not only participated enthusiastically in the 1857 revolution but also they led the movements at various places. ReshmiRumalTahrik (Silky Handkerchief Movement) was purely an Ulama-based movement. 
Madrasas are the greatest NGOs in the world that promote education among the people. Madrasah and Maktabs offer free education; free board and free books while the government of India yet could not managed to provide children with free education. Unfortunately, when Country under the able leadership of PM Modi  is fighting against Novel Covid- 19, our media – fourth pillar of democracy is inviting hatred, social boycott of minorities in name TJ and poor madrasa students.
This is not time to demonize Madrasa.  Islamic madrasas are centre of education with true letter and spirit. Journalists must focus on people problem.
When doctors, nurses, police, health workers and many unsung Corona warriors are taking risk of their life in this prevailing grim situation, journalists must be more responsible and torch bearer for society.  Their reports may creat social division in future.  (This is Ahmedabad based website)