Making this small adjustment will prevent intestinal issues.


Can irregular eating patterns seriously damage your digestive system? Nutritionists discuss the advantages of maintaining a set eating schedule, particularly for supper.

The telltale symptoms of a dissatisfied digestive system are well known to us: heartburn, bloating, and a complaining stomach. Although food is important, our irregular eating routines may be the real cause of our digestive problems. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra claims that all digestive problems can be resolved by just scheduling and adhering to scheduled meal times, especially during dinner.

“If you don’t adjust your meal timings, your digestion won’t improve. While what you eat matters, when you eat matters just as much. “Your meal timings cannot be compromised, regardless of the issue—constipation, bloating, acidity, etc.,” Batra stated in a video.

The dietitian also addressed the subject that has been hanging over us: when is dinnertime appropriate? Therefore, if you’re searching for a quick fix or remedy for your digestive problems, I’d advise starting with a simple adjustment – set a time for supper and determine when it’s ideal to eat. This is three hours before to going to bed, and you can observe a subtle change in your digestion over time,” she disclosed.

Chief clinical nutritionist Kiran Dalal of Fortis Escorts Hospital in Faridabad provided the following justifications for meal timing adjustments, especially for dinner:
1. Control digestion: Eating on a regular basis keeps your digestive system in balance, which facilitates easier digestion and less discomfort.

2. Stabilise hunger: Regular mealtimes help you make wiser food choices by preventing unpredictable blood sugar swings and hunger pangs.

3. Regulate metabolism: Eating at regular intervals keeps your metabolism running smoothly, which promotes overall health and weight control.

4.Boost your energy levels: Eating regular meals keeps your body from experiencing energy dips and gives it a constant supply of food.

5. Boost sleep: Eating dinner earlier enables healthy digestion prior to going to bed, which enhances the quality of sleep by controlling hormones like cortisol and melatonin.

6.Benefits to the mind and body: Eating on a regular schedule can help with stress management and mood enhancement.