How to maintain the health of your liver this winter?


How to maintain the health of your liver this winter? The time has come to give your liver the best care and attention possible because of the festive spirit in the air and the approaching holidays of Christmas and New Year.

It’s simple to overindulge during this season of celebration and indulgence, which can lead to unintended weight gain, bloating, exhaustion, and even hangovers.

However, for those suffering from liver diseases like fatty liver or hepatitis, or for anyone who wants to protect their liver from damage, it becomes critical to take extra precautions to avoid making their condition worse.

It’s an indisputable fact that alcohol, sugar, and fatty foods all cause damage to your liver. Most people overindulge in foods high in sugar, fat, and alcohol during the holiday season.

IndiaToday was informed by Dr. Vikram Raut, Director of HPB surgery and liver transplantation at Medicover Hospital in Navi Mumbai.We’ve covered a few strategies for preventing overindulgence and maintaining the health of your liver.

“If you intend to consume alcohol, it’s crucial to do so gradually. Sip one or two glasses of water to quench your thirst before consuming alcohol.

According to Dr. Vikram Raut, an unhealthy liver breaks down alcohol far more slowly than a healthy liver, which can only metabolize one standard drink in 60 minutes.

It’s advised to sip water in between alcoholic drinks to offset the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Drinking alcohol more gradually lessens its effects on the liver.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from combining booze with sweet beverages. Due to its high carbohydrate content, regular alcohol consumption can raise the risk of abdominal weight gain.

“If you want to avoid irritating your stomach lining and slow down the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, eat a light meal or snack before choosing to drink alcohol.

Dr. Raut continued, “Prioritize protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, poultry, meat, nuts, seeds, dairy products, and legumes before consuming alcohol.

In addition, consistent exercise can help reduce belly fat, which is a factor in liver dysfunction and sluggishness.

Restore the nutrients that alcohol has taken away from your body. Alcohol depletes magnesium, vitamin C, and B vitamins.

Feelings of stress and agitation can be caused by deficiencies in magnesium and B vitamins, which are essential for helping your nervous system handle stress.