Five spices you should use sparingly in the summertime


While some spices help strengthen immunity and reduce inflammation in the body, not all of them are appropriate for use in the summer. For some people, there are specific spices that can impact their gut’s optimal functioning. However, in order to enhance digestion, food flavour, and nutrient absorption, a few summer-friendly spices need to be included in the diet. For example, ginger has a warming effect on the body and helps prevent constipation in the winter, but in order to prevent heating illnesses in the summer, ginger intake needs to be moderated. Similarly, for many people, eating chillies in the summer may not be the best option because they can cause acidity, heartburn, and other digestive problems. Garlic’s warming properties also require that its consumption be limited.

1. Ginger: In the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, it is referred to as “Mahoushadh” (great medicine). However, if overindulged in the summer, this spice can raise body temperature. If you have issues with blood and Pitta (heat), stay away from too much fresh ginger and instead use the dry variety (sonth).

2. Asafoetida: Hing is a frequently used component in Indian cuisine. This seasoning/condiment works wonders to speed up metabolism. But during the warmer months, people who are Pitta (fire) dosha dominant or have blood inflammatory conditions should use this with caution.

3. Chilies (nightshades): In recent times, Indian cuisine has incorporated chilies. Use caution when using any type of chilli, including long, thin, green, red, and bell pepper/capsicum varieties, during the summer months. This nightshade group contains capsaicin, which irritates and burns. Steer clear if you frequently experience heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, or other gut-related problems.

4. Clove: Eugenol, the essential oil component of cloves, is very hot. When using cloves in warm climates, great caution should be used. Those with dominant Pitta (hot) bodies or those with bleeding disorders (haemorrhoids, menorrhagia, epistaxis, etc.) should stay away from this in the summer and autumn.

5. Garlic: Garlic is well known for its potent flavour and psychological effects. Garlic has such a strong heat (Rajas-guna) that people who are trying to advance spiritually avoid eating it because it can cause mental problems. For people with blood imbalances and Pitta Prakriti, garlic should be avoided in the summer months.

Summertime Spices

A significant area of study in food science is spices. They aid in balancing the doshic imbalances and enhance digestibility. It has even been demonstrated that spices increase the nutrients in food’s bioavailability. Above all, they add flavour to food, which is why they are necessary.

Cumin, mint, dill, carom, cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaf, fennel, coriander, chives, black pepper (in moderation), etc.