

Like a sickness, corruption has spread throughout both India and other countries. It has emerged as one of the social challenges in Indian society that is growing the quickest. Generally, opportunistic leaders are the ones who start it and promote it. They never consider the advantages to the country and, even for a minor advantage, cause great harm to it through corruption. They promote false information about India among individuals residing abroad by selling their country properties to the wrong people.

For their own gain, they are destroying India’s ancient customs and cultures. People who are working in the right direction and adhering to the correct ideals today are viewed as foolish by modern society, while others who are working in the wrong direction and making false promises are beneficial to the community. However, it is also true that dishonest people deceive the unassuming, common, and innocent people. They are controlling innocent people’s minds.

India’s level of corruption is rising daily as a result of the close ties that exist between the government, politicians, and criminals, all of whom are contributing to the decline of this nation. India gained its freedom in 1947 and was gradually growing strong and developing when the corruption illness started to spread and stopped India from moving forward. In India, there has been a tradition of “give and take,” which entails paying for services rendered in both public and private offices. As a result, the situation is currently deteriorating further. Previously, payments were made for the completion of incomplete or incorrect tasks, but at the moment, only timely completion of tasks is rewarded with payment. There is no guarantee that things will be done on time and correctly, even after paying the entire amount requested.

Corruption has completely destroyed every sector of society, including government agencies, hospitals, schools, and workplaces. Everything has turned into a business and a dishonest means of making money. Educational institutions are likewise complicit in corruption because they only offer seats to those who have paid, regardless of whether the students are decent ones or not. Only on the basis of money paid for the incorrect entrance are very weak kids admitted to the best colleges and universities, while the top student with good grades and no money returns to their lives or enrolls in any straightforward college.

Nowadays, private sector employment are much better than those in the government. Private businesses hire people based on the candidates’ abilities, technical know-how, grade-point averages, and academic records. To gain a job in a government office now requires a lot of bribery, whether it be for a high level or low level position like teaching, clerk, babu, nurse, doctor, sweeper, etc. And as the degree of positions like IAS, PCC, police, etc. increases, so does the amount of bribery in the market.