IT-Jobs (26/06/2023)


SAP Solution Manager Consultant

Working with the SAP Solution Manager platform to assist and optimise the implementation and management of SAP solutions inside an organisation is part of your position as a SAP Solution Manager Consultant. An outline of the work a SAP Solution Manager Consultant undertakes is shown below:

Implementing Solution Manager:

You are in charge of setting up the SAP Solution Manager platform in the client’s environment. This include building up system landscapes, installing and configuring Solution Manager components, and connecting with already installed SAP systems.

You collaborate closely with clients to comprehend their business requirements and translate them into technical specifications for use in requirement analysis. To satisfy the client’s needs, you choose the suitable Solution Manager functions and modules.

Project management:

You might take part in project management activities as a Solution Manager Consultant. Using the project management features of Solution Manager, you coordinate and oversee the execution of SAP projects, ensuring adherence to project schedules, milestones, and budgets.

Change and Release Management:

To plan, monitor, and manage changes to SAP systems, use Solution Manager’s change and release management features. This entails organising release activities, controlling transports, and setting up release cycles.

Business Process Monitoring:

Using the business process monitoring features of Solution Manager, you can configure and keep track of important business processes. This aids in proactively identifying and resolving any performance or functional concerns.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM):

By offering capabilities for requirements management, test management, change management, and incident management, SAP Solution Manager streamlines the ALM procedures. As a consultant, you will assist clients in maximising their application lifecycle processes by using these ALM functionalities.

Overall, your objective as a SAP Solution Manager Consultant is to make the most of SAP Solution Manager’s functionalities in order to increase system efficiency, streamline processes, and boost overall SAP solution management within an organisation.

SAP Solution manager

IT Jobs 17/06/23





