Raising Voices: Amplifying Voices to End Violence


Raising Voices is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending violence against women and children by promoting healthy relationships, equal gender norms, and positive social change. Founded in 1996, the organization has been working tirelessly to create a world free from violence by engaging communities, policymakers, and institutions in meaningful conversations and actions.

At Raising Voices, we believe that every individual has the right to live free from all forms of violence, abuse, and discrimination. We recognize that violence against women and children is not just a personal issue but a social problem that requires a collective response. We work with communities, individuals, and organizations to raise awareness, challenge harmful beliefs, and create safe and equitable environments.

Our programs are designed to empower individuals to recognize and resist violence, promote gender equality, and create lasting change. We work with schools, workplaces, religious institutions, and communities to raise awareness of the impact of violence on women and children and to provide the skills and resources needed to prevent it. We also offer training and capacity building programs to equip individuals and organizations with the tools needed to create sustainable social change.

One of our flagship programs is the SASA! (Start Awareness Support Action) approach, which is a community mobilization program that encourages community members to speak out against violence and discrimination. The SASA! approach focuses on shifting harmful gender norms, building healthy relationships, and promoting community activism. The program has been successful in creating meaningful change in communities across Africa and beyond.

We also offer advocacy and policy initiatives to create meaningful change at the national and international levels. Our advocacy efforts are focused on promoting gender equality, addressing harmful cultural practices, and strengthening legal frameworks to prevent violence against women and children.

At Raising Voices, we believe that violence against women and children is preventable. We are committed to amplifying the voices of survivors, creating safe spaces for dialogue, and promoting social change. We invite you to join us in this journey towards a world free from violence.