DMC issues notice to JNU over “Islamic Terror” course


 Taking sou motu notice on the basis of press reports, Delhi Minorities Commission (DMC) chairman Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan has issued a notice to the Registrar of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) to explain on what basis a course on “Islamic Terror” is being started by the university. Press reports said the decision has been taken despite opposition by many members of the Academic Council of the university.

In its formal notice, DMC has asked JNU administration to reply to the following queries:

  1. Is there any concept paper or proposal to include a course on “Islamic Terror” in the proposed “Centre for National Security Studies”? If so, please provide a copy;
  2. Is the subject of “Islamic Terror” being taught in any Indian or foreign university, if so, please provide details;
  3. What areas are to be covered under this subject and what are (a) the sources, (b) methodology, (c) reference books/works/studies to be followed, and (d) who are the main experts who will take part in the implementation, research and teaching of this subject?;
  4. Has the current administration of JNU considered the implications of introducing this subject in the campus, on its students and on the broader society outside? If so, please provide a copy of any such assessment note prepared on this subject;
  5. Please provide a full list of the members of the Academic Council of JNU marking those who were present during the meeting where the above proposal was adopted;
  6. Since there is report that “many members” of the Academic Council objected to the introduction of this subject, was there any voting and if so what was the result; and
  7. Please provide a copy of the minutes of the said meeting where the subject was discussed and approved.

JNU administration has been asked to file its reply to these questions by 5 June.