4th and 5th March 2023: AMP North India NGO Conference Lucknow


4th and 5th March 2023: AMP North India NGO Conference Lucknow

A project by AMP to engage and connect with NGOs

The first of these Zonal Conferences will take place in North India (states like UP, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, and others), which is home to several of these districts with a high concentration of Muslims.

Since they are extremely backward and heavily populated by the Muslim Ummah, we have chosen to begin our intervention there. We will talk about all the challenges surrounding minorities’ growth and development, and how integrating them into society as a whole will only result in true nation-building.

The conference will take place in Lucknow on March 4 and 5, 2023, and eminent national civil society activists, academics, policymakers, and ulemas will also be in attendance. We are also certain that representatives from more than 500 Northern Indian NGOs working on the ground would attend in order to share their experiences and engage in conversation in order to plan the Community’s future, insha’Allah.

Goals for the Conference

  • Make plans for the community’s future.
  • support for NGOs’ capacity-building
  • Work together to implement the change that we all want to see.
  • Connect with others and trade personal success tales
  • Provide relevant data on minority-related concerns and government initiatives from across India.
  • Conduct AMP Projects in conjunction with interested Organisations in their localities


We are certain that this action will significantly increase our self-assurance and strength, giving us the ability to advance community development. We also hope that this collective effort will strengthen the community, promote progress, and help build the nation!

Zonal conferences will be held by AMP to advance this objective. At these conferences, social leaders and non-governmental organisations from the respective zones will collaborate to develop a road plan for improving the socioeconomic standing of the community.


Social leaders play a crucial role in inspiring and guiding the community to the pinnacles of empowerment and progress. They are the face, skeleton, and assets of any community. Social leaders defend freedom, uphold peace, and ensure that as many people as possible enjoy prosperity.

No matter one’s social standing, financial means, or privilege, social leadership is the commitment of one’s life and talents to the betterment of society. Social leaders and their organisations (NGOs) contribute significantly to the creation of an equal world by rescuing people from the depths of despair and bringing them to a place of hope and joy. If this individual talent were combined on a platform of collaboration, the results may revolutionise the world.

Hence, a few years ago, the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) launched its NGO Connect project with the intention of combining the strength of many NGOs into a cooperative movement for change. We collaborate with more than 5000 NGOs in India, helping them develop their capacities and carry out AMP’s social welfare programmes. By concentrating on the 200 Backward Minority-dominated Districts of the Country, where a large portion of the Community is demoted and has to be brought up to par with other communities’ social indicators, we now want to take this project to a new level.