Assam: Bloodthirsty police and merciless cameraman: act of dehumanising Muslims

Press release

Hyderabad: The country has been witness via the viral video of the heinous police firing on a hapless person in Assam. The episode took place in Dholpur Gorukuti area in Darrang Dist., Assam while the police had been clearing the village since a day back.

The video clearly shows a dozen armed policemen waiting expectantly as the man comes running. He is shot at on the chest and even as he lays prone and the policemen begin walking away, a cameraman runs in rage and jumps and stomps savagely on him. The brute cameraman has been identified as Bijay Shankar Baniya, a photographer with the Darrang district administration.

Such an obviously bloodthirsty open act can only be termed as Hate Crime.Two men Saddam Hussain and Sheikh Forid have died as a result and 20 injured in the eviction drive.

Who and why was it decided to fire upon civilian people? Will there be action taken against the policeman who caused the death of two men.

United Citizens Forum an NGO that ISNA platform to raise voice against all atrocities; expresses grave concern about the dehumanizing of the minority community taking place in India and specifically in this case in Assam.

We demand prompt and appropriate action against the perpetrating policeman, his collaborators and against the cameraman

We also demand that the displaced villagers be relocated to a safe place and immediate stop to the inhuman conduct and attitude of the authorities

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