Opinion: The Essence of Struggle for Justice and its Requirements for Success!


Omer As’ad Bajabar. Siyasat.net

As long as any struggle is for the Pleasure of Allah SWT, following the path of Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet SAW and the people are united in the cause of Justice, no power on the face of the earth can defeat them. The connotation of ‘Success’ and ‘Defeat’ in the taxonomy of Islam is very different from that is usually defined by the people whose purpose of life doesn’t go beyond the Pleasure and richness of this world. In Islam, Dying in the path of Allah SWT is everlasting life! And running away from the battlefield to save one’s life is among the worst of acts.

And say not of those who are killed in the way of Allah, “They are dead.” Nay, they are living, but you perceive not’. (Al Baqara -154).

As Muslims, we are taught that none dies before his/her time, and none live beyond his/her time, and the time is decided by none but The Creator Himself. Physical laws govern the world, and all that exists are subject to these laws. And Islam has asked Muslims to prepare themselves for the struggle of Good against evil with all their might.

Muslims must muster everything they could… the armaments, the infrastructure, BUT never believe that the outcome of the struggle depends only on the materialistic aspect. If one considers that the outcome of a struggle solely depends on the materialistic aspect, he/she has not understood the Might of Allah SWT.

In the struggle against Taghoot, there is a Stage or a Threshold … when the believers have sacrificed everything they had, and nothing is left to chance. Nothing is kept out of struggle …. at that stage (it happened several times in history) if Allah SWT so Wills, the physical laws cease to exist in such a situation. The Nusra of Allah SWT manifests itself (in the form of HIS choosing), and the enemies are annihilated/defeated. In such a situation, the strength, the armaments, the technology, the manpower of the enemy would not benefit them one bit There are plenty of examples in Quran and Islamic history, and these are not just stories of the past but a clear indication of what is in store for future. So, while Muslims are commanded to strive to achieve and excel in the technology of war, when and if the conflict is forced on them, they don’t shy but fight with whatever they have, and as Muslims, they must trust Allah SWT. Death in his path is better than a thousand lives, and living a cowardly life is worse than death.

The people of Palestine have given everything they had, and they are united, and their struggle is in the path of Allah SWT. They need not fear any army and any superpower. Their opponents are destined for destruction; the timings of this outcome are for Allah SWT to decide.
As for those of us who are sitting outside on the fence and watching this mega show of death and destruction of Palestine on our TVs are the ones who should be more worried for themselves than Palestinians; it is true that many of us felt the pain and are doing their utmost to help besieged brothers and sisters in whatever way humanly possible. We should pray that our small and insignificant efforts get accepted, and may we be spared of the punishment, and our name may be included among those who are struggling in the path of Allah SWT.

However, our few million dollars and few thousand protest marches and few speeches should never make us comfortable that we start feeling proud and start bragging as if we are the ones who are making significant sacrifices. Instead, we must humiliate ourselves in front of HIS Majesty; we must continually be fearing Allah SWT, seeking His Pardon, asking for HIS Blessings, kneeling in front of HIM, and falling on our faces like our forefathers Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (Peace be upon all of them) did, so that HE may accept our meager contribution in HIS path. HE is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful. Remember that Allah SWT is self-sufficient and All-Powerful and doesn’t need our $ and efforts, but it is for our benefit we struggle for HIS Pleasure.
Utilizing all the avenues to fight against injustice is our right; we may deploy every possible means, including media, protests, and boycotts. However, these tools must remain tools and should never be confused, that it becomes an end in itself or a final goal or should never be trusted that it will bring us victory. We must remember that the very countries, their people, their governments, companies, banks, media, conglomerates, organizations … are responsible for all these injustices in the first place. To expect that the majority would suddenly become partners in our struggle and save us from tyranny or provide us safety is unreal and naive. The majority of the world has never stood with truth, and chances of it standing and supporting the struggle for Justice would not happen. No nation has ever achieved its rights against usurpers from a position of weakness but only from a position of strength. It goes against the Fitra on which humankind is created. A minority may take a stand but never a majority. A person or a society can never be rebellious of Creator in the personal and social sphere of life and be a promotor of Justice and supporter of human rights at the same time. It is a paradox, an oxymoron.

When temporary tools become an end in itself, the very essence of the struggle for Justice is lost along with the purpose of life of a believer. They start assuming that their primary purpose is to bring the change, no matter what, and for that, they would go to any length. They would forge alliances with anyone, including the very people whose value system conflicts with not just Islam but every human value. Suddenly they find themselves in the company of homosexuals. The dislike for everything rebellious of God will get dampened in their hearts. The rebellious attitude of disbelievers would weaken their Iman. Many of their rebellious social, religious habits and customs would find their way among believers, destroying the very fabric of their family and society. Dawa or call towards Islam (the only correct Deen /way of life) would be replaced with some mutually agreed common beliefs and short-term goals. In such a situation, the primary purpose believer’s life gets out of sight, out of focus, and is lost for Good.

The Purpose: You (true believers in Islamic Monotheism and real followers of Prophet Mohammed) are the best people ever raised up for mankind. You enjoin Good (all that Islam ordained) and forbid evil (all that Islam forbids), and you believe in Allah…. (Al Imran 110).

Please remember, it was Allah SWT who made Pharaoh’s Palace a babysitting place, a kindergarten, then a safe haven for His Prophet Musa (peace be upon him). Still, Pharaoh was not given any credit for it. And, eventually, he got the punishment that he deserved. All the Pharaohs of today would face the same fate unless they surrender without any condition to Allah SWT. We Muslims must realize that Allah SWT is the Creator of the Universe, and without HIS permission, not a leave falls from the tree, he doesn’t need our help to bring a change, but we are required to struggle in HIS path on HIS terms, following HIS approved method as demonstrated by HIS Prophet (peace be upon him) and anything else is rejected.Finally, there is nothing to feel demoralized, dejected, disheartened, disillusioned, deprived, and destitute … Antumul A’alawna Inn Kuntum Mo-Mineen – So do not become weak, nor be sad, and you will be superior (victorious) if you are indeed true believers. (Al Imran 139).

The people of Palestine and Hamas will never lose as long as their struggle is for Justice, for their rights, and the Pleasure of Allah SWT.

  • And may Allah SWT keep us on the path of the Prophets and the Rightly Guided Caliphs of Islam; these were truly Blessed people.
    May Allah’s Peace, Blessings, and Salutations be upon our beloved Prophet SAW His family and His companions.

(The writer is an independent commentator with interest in faith, history and world politics. He is based in Milwaukee, USA.)

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