Lok Gathbandhan Party condemns Cong, BJP for communal politics in Karnataka

Lok Gathbandhan Party-Cong-BJP-Karnataka-siyasat.net
Lok Gathbandhan Party Cong BJP Karnataka siyasat.net

New Delhi, March : The Lok Gathbandhan Party today condemned both the BJP and Congress for resorting to caste and communal politics in Karnataka where assembly elections are due later this year. The party said now the ruling Congress, adopting political opportunism, has decided to give minority religious status to powerful Lingayat community and further vitiate caste and communal atmosphere in the southern state.

The spokesman of the party said here on Wednesday that Congress and BJP have been making desperate efforts to communalize the state for political gains. The spokesman said the Congress move is only for electoral mathematics and vote bank politics by dividing the communities in the state. The spokesman thus in the larger interest of the country has called upon the people to shun the communal and casteist political forces which have pushed the country to the brink of disaster. The spokesman expressed concern that when there is rapid developmental stride world over, the Indian nation is caught in quagmire of problems filled with hatred and acrimony against each other.

The spokesman said that at a time when the country has been facing immense socio-economic problems with massive corruption and mal-administration holding its octopus like grip over the entire system, the poor people are being fed with communal hatred and caste conflagration to serve vested interest of the political parties. Calling upon the people to leave the acrimonious past behind to join the movement of the LGP aimed at equality, protection to all, irrespective of religious, caste and other identities, the spokesman said empowerment of each community should be through balanced development and not by division. The spokesman said that instead of wasting energies on divisive issues, it is high time the countrymen focus on social, political, economic and administrative reforms to abolish utter poverty and pave way for all round development.

The LGP said the party has formulated its plan for welfare of every section of the society without any extraneous consideration. The spokesman said party believes that the governmental schemes should be formulated without any compartmentalization of various communities. The spokesman said the LGP roadmap for development is all inclusive with honesty, transparency and good governance.