You were eloquent, straight and empathetic when you spoke in the parliament

1576      New Delhi

Dr. M. Manzoor Alam,,  General Secretary ,All India Milli Council,   New Delhi writes a letter to New Zealand’S honourable PM  Jacinda Ardern

Your Excellency,

We recognize that this is a critical time for New Zealand, in the backdrop of recent dastardly attack on two mosques in Christchurch which claimed 50 innocent lives.

            Indians across the country, especially Muslims were extremely appalled and shocked to the core at the act of terror on your peaceful land. Be sure, you are in our hearts and minds. We join in your grief and stand with you at this difficult time.


As the world grappling with terrorism, we need to recognize diversity as a source of strength, and not a threat. The othorization of any community will eventually harm the nation’s interest. Hate must not be recognized in our societies. We must all confront islamophobia and work to create a milieu in which all people, irrespective of their nationality, religion and color can feel safe and secure.

What else could be the better way to respond to the terrorists by opening the session of the parliament with the recitation of Holy Quran followed by its translation which teaches tolerance and patience. It was certainly a tribute to the faith, to those practicing the faith and of course, the martyrs.

Your Excellency, you were eloquent, straight and empathetic when you spoke in the parliament.

It takes you in the list of tallest leaders when you said,” The Killer is terrorist, an extremist and a criminal. You refused to recognize the hate culture and terrorism and offer them no space in Newzealand society. Its courageous.

 Your Excellency has set an example when you say, ”The victims of the incident were Newzealanders, they are us. How soothing and encouraging it is for those families of victims  when you say, “ We will move with you on every single stage, we will surround you and we will speak about you but not about that terrorist we will give the killer nothing, not even his name”. 

Certainly, in the environment of chaos, your Excellency’s stand, utterances and affirmative stance makes you the tall leader is being appreciated by the global community in general and Muslims all over the world in particular.

Last but not the least; we are highly indebted for your Excellencies extremely, timely and much needed massage of peace and tolerance immediate after the attack. The sympathetic gesture of embracing Muslims in this horrible time will surely build confidence among them. Your right honorable stands strong and tall in every possible manner. We hope that the people of New Zealand overcome the pain and distress which they endure since the terror attack happened. We stand in solidarity with the National Government of New Zealand and its citizens.