Babri Masjid Chapter Ended With Supreme Court Ruling: IUML



IUML expresses disagreement over Priyanka Gandhi’s Ram temple statement

After the meeting of the National Committee of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), the second largest constituent of Congress led United Democratic Front (UDF), party’s National General Secretary and Member of Parliament (MP) PK Kunhalikutty said that the party has disagreement with the opinion of Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi regarding the construction of the Ram temple.  Priyanka’s statement was misplaced.  The Muslim League cannot agree with that statement.  No further discussions will be held.  The league does not want further polarization of the society on the communal lines, he added.
PK Kunhalikutty said the decision was taken after consulting with religious, social and cultural organizations who want things to go on a secular path.
National Organizing Secretary of IUML, ET Mohammad Basheer MP said that the Muslim League’s resolution on Priyanka Gandhi’s statement on construction of Ram temple is precise and clear.  The position taken by the League at all times was to accept the judgment of the Court.  The Muslim League is no longer interested in raising the issue again and prolonging the controversy further.
That chapter ended with the court ruling.  It is not good for the country to bring this discussion up again, Basheer added.  ET also added that the party would not deviate from the stand taken by Syed Muhammad Ali Shihab Thangal of Panakkad in 1992 and would not make decisions based on sentiment and emotions.  The country embraced the good of the position taken by the Muslim League at that time.  Although many were enraged, we did not fall into it.  The leaders made it clear that there would be no change in that position.
Gujarat siyasat adds

Political analysts said the IUML, which boasts 18 MLAs in the Kerala assembly against the Congress’ 21, may also have found comfort in Rahul Gandhi’s statement on Wednesday. In a tweet, Rahul, who sealed the Wayanad seat in the last Lok Sabha elections with the backing of the League, said: ‘Ram is love, he can never appear in hatred. Ram is compassionate, he can never appear in cruelty. Ram is justice, he can never appear in injustice.”

Sebastian Paul, a political observer and former MP, said there is nothing significant in the IUML resolution.“This (Priyanka’s statement) is not going to trigger any political realignment in Kerala. IUML got worried about its voters’ sentiment after seeing the Hindutva stance of Congress in northern states. The IUML move to pass the resolution can be seen only as one to take its Muslim voters into confidence,” he said.

Added writer-orator M N Karassery: “Congress has taken a soft Hindutva stand earlier as well. However, the IUML hasn’t taken a strong stand against it so far. This time too, the IUML might let the stance of Priyanka and other Congress leaders go in a similar manner.”

While there was no official reaction from the Congress in Kerala, party leader and former minister Pandalam Sudhakaran highlighted the secular credentials of the IUML and said his party would never do anything to break the trust.

“When the nation burned after the Babri Masjid demolition, it was then IUML leader Panakkad Mohammedali Shihab Thangal who had ensured not a stone was thrown in Kerala. We are forever grateful to him and the IUML and will never do anything to dilute our secular credentials,” Sudhakaran told here.

The president of prominent Sunni group Samastha Kerala Jamiyyathul Ulama, Syed Mohammed Jifri Muthukoya Thangal, said he hoped the Congress would not retract from its secular values.

“We hope that secular parties including the Congress would not go back from their secular position,” he said in a statement. 

( is Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India based website)