Acanthosis Nigricans


Spotting ranges from light brown to black due to this skin condition. Although it frequently occurs in otherwise healthy individuals, there are situations when it could indicate an underlying medical issue. The markings appear to be a spot or stain that you could be able to remove with a scrub. However, cleaning won’t get rid of acanthosis nigricans (AN).

Where is the appearance of acanthosis nigricans?

Acanthosis nigricans, pronounced “a-can-THO-sis NIH-grih-cans,” is characterized by velvety patterns that can develop anywhere on the body. The most common places for them to appear are under the breasts, on the groin, armpits, and neck folds.

Canthosis nigricans: Is it harmful?

Although the condition is not dangerous, it could indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. See your healthcare practitioner if you observe any strange markings on your skin or shading. To ascertain what kind of treatment you require, your provider or a dermatologist (a expert in skin care) will do several tests.

Acanthosis nigricans: Who gets it?

Acanthosis nigricans can strike anyone, including those in otherwise good condition. This condition may put you at greater risk if you:

  • Have excess weight or obesity.
  • Have a family history of AN.
  • Are of Native American, African, Caribbean or Hispanic descent.
  • Have darker skin.

How widespread is nigricans acanthosis?

A rare condition is called acanthosis nigricans. Researchers are unsure of the frequency of occurrence in America. Nonetheless, a study on obese adults discovered that at least 50% of those who weighed twice as much as their optimal body weight had symptoms of acanthosis nigricans.

Signs and Origins

Canthosis nigricans: what is the cause?

There are various causes of AN, such as:

  • Conditions including obesity, prediabetes, or diabetes that are linked to high blood levels of insulin.
  • Congenital causes are conditions that affect you from birth.
  • Genetics, should other family members also have AN.
  • Some drugs, like steroids or birth control tablets.
  • Hormonal abnormalities, such as hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, thyroid illness, or other pituitary diseases.
  • Growth hormone treatment.

The signs of AN often appear gradually. Rapid onset of symptoms could indicate malignancy, however this is uncommon.

What signs and symptoms are present with nigricans?

This skin ailment manifests as:

  • Brown or black skin patches.
  • Smooth skin.
  • Skin tags.
  • Itching.
  • Spots on the skin that smell bad.

The onset of symptoms usually takes months or even years. Consult a dermatologist if these symptoms develop out of the blue. It might indicate cancer.

Diagnoses and Examinations

How does one diagnose acanthosis nigricans?

In addition to doing a physical examination, your healthcare professional will discuss your symptoms and medical history with you. These actions are frequently sufficient to diagnose AN. Additional exams to identify AN are as follows:

  • Blood tests, which can be used to either confirm or rule out underlying diseases like diabetes.
  • Rarely, a skin biopsy (getting a sample of skin tissue) may be necessary if the diagnosis is unclear.