Is this our New India? Save daughters from men wolf

 women are the pillars of the society and they should be given due respect and should be protected, says Anar Mehta

By Abdul hafiz lakhani   Ahmedabad

Close on the heels of brutal and inhumane rape and murder of Hyderabad based DR. Priyanka and other five deadly rapes in the country in last  two days has sent shock waves and stunned people especially women for their safety in the society. Gujarat has seen at least two rapes in last 72 hours—one in Baroda and other one in Rajkot

The gruesome and inhumane rape of Dr Priyanka Reddy in Hyderabad has left the nation in a state of shock. People have been storming social media with messages and posts of outrage while urging authorities to come down on the criminals with an iron-fisted approach.

But what is painstakingly saddening is that the day when Dr Reddy’s body was found, a series of 5 deadly rape cases were reported from different corners of the country in a period of two days – highlighting the horrifying status of women’s fety in India.

Reacting sharply at the chain of shameless incidents, Anar Mehta the founder of Srishti Bharat NGO, e has demanded Justice for Priyanka Reddy and told that Justice should prevail in the case of Priyanka Reddy and the case should not be given a communal angel. Recently her post was trolled on Facebook. Anar believes that there should be no discrimination in Justice based on cast and creed. Anar also said that women are the pillars of the society and they should be given due respect and should be protected.

Delhi based Danishkhan,a senior journalist told that   Eve-teasers are potential would-be Rapists. Both Eve-teasers and Rapists should be brutally hacked to death in full public view. But unfortunately, people choose to tolerate  instead of catching and lynching these ruffians as they are themselves impotent. Such criminal incidents and candle light demonstrations will continue to take place so long as people remain impotent.  

Owaisi party AIMIM MP Imtiyaz Jalil fired salvo against such morons and said that   Nothing less then death penalty, that too in full public view to Priyanka Reddy rapists and killers. It’s high time we hang the rapists on streets just like how some Arab countries do. And yes hang them within 100 days using fast track court.

According to Islam,rape is one of the greatest and most destructive forms of evil one human being commits against another, it is imperative that Muslims actively challenge and fight it. It is our duty as believers in God, Who clearly orders us.

Although Islamic law and the legal systems of most countries around the world today outline clear punishments for rape, ignorance, corruption, patronage, and an overall bias against women, the poor, and certain minority groups, often taint their execution. This is why punitive actions are not enough. We must create a culture where rape is never allowed to flourish.

The ideas below focus on changing not just mindsets, but behaviors as well. These aim to not only guide and empower the vulnerable, but also, those who are in positions of power, whether that is parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, principals, Imams, executive members of Islamic institutions, and others.

The body of a 26-year-old veterinarian, who went missing on last  Wednesday night near Hyderabad, was found on Thursday morning, badly burnt. The woman, who was on her way from her house in Telangana’s Shadnagar to a veterinary hospital where she worked, was stranded in Shamshabad after her two-wheeler reportedly suffered a puncture. Her body was found in Shadnagar, about 30 kilometres away, below an underbridge.

The Hyberabad police  detained four persons including truck drivers and cleaners in connection with the brutal rape and murder of Priyanka Reddy.                          

According to a report the  conviction rate for rape cases in India was 44.3 percent in 1973, 37.7 percent in 1983, 26.9 percent in 2009, 26.6 percent in 2010, 26.4 percent in 2011, 24.2% in 2012 and 27.1% in 2013.