Digital eye strain is a serious issue


We live in a fast-paced, modern world where screens are a natural part of our everyday lives. The amount of time we spend in front of screens has increased significantly, whether we are using computers for work, engaging in our favourite shows on tablets, or browsing social media on smartphones.

However, a rising concern associated with this increased screen time is digital eye strain, according to Orbis country head Dr. Rishi Raj Borah.

He clarified that headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision, and dry eyes are just a few of the issues related to extended use of digital devices that are collectively referred to as computer vision syndrome.

We must develop strategies to control and minimize the negative effects of digital eye strain on our general health as our reliance on screens increases.

The 20-20-20 Guideline

When using a desktop computer, make sure you are seated in a comfortable chair with adequate support and that your screen is at eye level, roughly an arm’s length away. One major cause of digital eye strain is prolonged screen time without breaks. The 20-20-20 rule, which suggests taking a 20-second break and looking at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes while using a screen, is quite helpful in reducing this strain. By incorporating this easy habit into your daily routine, you can keep your eyes fresh and less tired. To make sure your eyes get the rest they require, you can also use apps or timers to remind you to take these regular breaks.

Changing the brightness

Your screens’ brightness has a big impact on how comfortable your eyes are. In order to prevent straining your eyes, adjust the brightness of your device to match the lighting in your environment. In addition, you might want to use night or dark mode in the evenings to reduce your exposure to blue light, which has been linked to irregular sleep cycles.

Blinking and hydration of the eyes

It is important to remember to blink in order to keep your eyes moist. Long-term screen usage can cause blinking to become less frequent, which can irritate and dry out the eyes. As a result, try to blink frequently since it keeps your eyes lubricated. If you experience chronic dryness, use artificial tears as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Screen quality is important. To reduce eye strain, spend money on high-resolution screens with anti-glare technology. Screens that already exist can have anti-glare filters added to them to reduce glare and reflections. Additionally, routine eye exams are necessary to quickly address any underlying vision issues.

Maintaining your vision in a world where screens are everywhere requires finding a healthy balance between screen time and eye care.