Easy workouts that facilitate stair climbing


Because of our sedentary lifestyle, a lot of us find it difficult to perform simple tasks like climbing stairs. To master such activities, it’s time to progressively strengthen up instead of getting worked up. Experts advise that adding easy exercises to your routine is crucial.

Nutritionist Nupuur Patil of Nupuur Patil Fitness shared the following exercise regimen:

Exercises for cardiovascular conditioning include jogging and brisk walking. This increases overall stamina, strengthens leg muscles, and improves cardiovascular fitness, so you can climb stairs without feeling tired.

Leg strength training: Put a lot of emphasis on exercises that work your legs, like leg presses, lunges, and squats. According to Patil, “developing strength in the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps promotes stability and power, making stair climbing more effortless.”

Exercises for improving balance and stability should be included, such as stability ball exercises or single-leg stands. A more balanced person is less likely to trip or fall on stairs.

Exercises for stretching the ankles, knees, and hips can help with flexibility training. More range of motion is made possible by increased flexibility, which also lessens joint strain and improves comfort when climbing stairs.

Functional movement training: Use exercises like step-ups and box jumps to mimic the movements of climbing stairs. By focusing on particular muscle groups involved in stair climbing, this functional approach improves muscle memory and coordination.

Several beneficial exercises

Fitness specialist Garima Goyal stated, “These exercises target various muscle groups, enhancing strength, stability, and flexibility.”

1. Squats in a chair

Lower body exercises like chair squats are very beneficial.

  • To start, place your feet shoulder-width apart in front of a chair.
  • As though you were going to sit down, lower your body towards the chair while maintaining your heel weight.
  • Make sure your knees stay inside your toes.
  • Go back to standing while using your glutes and quadriceps. This workout tones your buttocks and thighs, which is important for climbing stairs.

2. Leg lifts to the sides

Side leg lifts strengthen the hips and outer thighs while also enhancing hip stability.

  • To begin, take a seat next to a chair for support.
  • One leg should be raised sideways while remaining straight, then lowered gradually back down. On the other leg, repeat.
  • By strengthening the muscles required for lateral movements, this exercise improves leg function overall.

3. Plank Chair

Chair planks emphasise core strength, which is essential for stability and balance when climbing stairs.

  • Put your hands on the seat with your fingers pointing forward while you sit on a chair’s edge.
  • Step forward with your feet until your torso is in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • Maintain the posture while using your abdominal muscles.

4. Sitting on the Wall

Assume a sitting position by lowering your body into a wall-supported seated position, as though you are in an invisible chair.

Hold for as long as you can to build stronger glutes and quadriceps.

5. Advancements

Make use of a solid step or platform.

  • Raising one foot, bend the other knee towards your chest. Go back down and change your legs.
  • “This workout targets your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, and it mimics stair climbing,” Goyal explained.