Open letter to Rahul Gandhi, Muslim population is insecure about their life and liberty

Mohammad Adeed (Ex MP) -

EXCLUSIVE REPORT BY  Close on the heels of  an interactive and consultative session between representatives of the Congress’ manifesto committee and Muslim intellectuals in New Delhi last Sunday,former Rajya Sabha MP  Mohammed Adeeb,  writes an open letter to INC president which is as below.

Majority Hindus in this country are still secular, level headed and pro-development

Respected Rahul Gandhi ji,

I attended your call for discussion on the potential manifesto for the 2019 elections from the point of view of the Muslims in India in general and UP in particular. It was an impressive turn out as many Muslim leaders and institutions came to present their viewpoints, all genuine heartfelt concerns and suggestions.

I however, felt that the main issue being faced by the Muslims was left out and no one seemed to say the facts out loud. The truth is that the Muslim population is insecure about their life and liberty and are feeling alienated in their own country. No amount of dole outs will help them till them feel secure and looked after. Even after 70 odd years of independence we have to continuously prove our loyalty and give proofs on a daily basis that we are ‘deshbhakts’ and not ‘deshdrohis’. Not only are the Pehlu khans and Ikhlaqs of India butchered for what they eat or do for a living, no one from any party comes to wipe their tears. Our judiciary is also questioning our intentions. A Muslim woman marrying of her own free volition has her marriage nullified by a judge because she is a convert. Muslims are not allowed to offer prayers in a congregation and their livelihoods are threatened in they do. Hence to my mind, the first and foremost obstacle for the Congress party is reassuring the community that they are a party for all and that Muslims are an integral party of their politics as well. We cannot be left behind in this race to prove who is a more Hindu leader. Honestly, it seems that the Congress is fearing that most people are communal and will vote only vote for a ‘Pure Hindu’. This is doing them a grave injustice as I feel the majority Hindus  in this country are still secular, level headed and pro-development.

The Congress party has to come out strong and clear on its secular and socialist identity and come back as the party of Nehru and Gandhi, not the party of communal hate mongers. They have to reaffirm the faith of the Muslim community in its Nehruvian and Gandhian philosophy of equality and secularism. They have to give the message that anyone who has done wrong will be punished and the innocent will be looked after. The Pehlu Khans of the country will not go unavenged.

In U.P. in particular, the Muslim population will not go with the BSP as they are vary of the Mayawati and her very probable alliance with the BJP. Mulayam Singh could have been a potential leader but his family is badly divided. Akhilesh is no Mulayam and hence he does not command the same respect nor gravitas as his father with the Muslim community. Rahul Gandhi on the other hand, has been vocal and directly targeting the RSS head on. This tactic has been greatly appreciated by the Muslim community. I personally feel that Mr Gandhi should be encouraged to contest the electionsin UP independently without any alliance with the SP or the BSP. However, alliances with smaller, more local parties will help consolidate the Muslim vote in his favour. Shiv Pal Yadav, Sonu Bhai Patel, ChanderShekhar Azad and other smaller groups can help align the upper caste Hindus, youth, the farmer and the Muslim groups and help Congress win a fair number of seats in UP.
In the end, I would like to appreciate once again your effort in hearing the voices of the people. The Muslim community is an emotional one. We stood by Mulayanm Singh for decades only because he stood by us on the Babri Masjid issue in 1992, we supported LaluPrasaadYadav because he stopped the Rathyatra in Bihar and we will still stand by anyone who is willing to acknowledge that we are a living breathing community and important members of Indian society. I agree that all the promises of the manifesto of 2004 and 2009 are still valid and will be appreciated by the community but I strongly feel that first come security and a sense on belonging that the Congress has to rebuild. Once that is done, the Muslim community will flock back to the congress.

Wishing you all the very best for your endeavours and may you be victorious in the 2019 elections.

Best regards,
Mohammad Adeeb