Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Foreign University (NTU)
Foreign University (NTU)

Situated in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is an all-encompassing university that prioritises research. It is renowned for its dedication to the highest standards of innovation, research, and teaching. Here are a few important NTU facts.


The National Institute of Education (NIE) and the Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) merged to form NTU in 1991. Since then, it has expanded to rank among the best universities in Asia.


Yunnan Garden Campus, the university’s main campus, is located in Singapore’s western region. The Novena campus of NTU, which houses the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine—a collaborative medical programme with Imperial College London—is another example of the university’s growth.


NTU routinely appears among the world’s best institutions. It is well known for its prowess in the sciences, business, engineering, and technology. The university’s international reputation is largely derived from the impact and output of its research.

Academic Colleges and Schools

NTU is divided up into a number of academic schools and colleges, such as the College of Business, Science, Engineering, Humanities, and Social Sciences, among others. There are several undergraduate and graduate programmes available at each institution or university.

Research Excellence

NTU actively engages in state-of-the-art research in a number of subjects. It features research institutes and centres devoted to a variety of topics, including biomedical engineering, sustainability, and nanotechnology. The university works with organisations around the world and industry partners.

Student Life

With a wide variety of clubs, organisations, and cultural events, NTU boasts a lively campus life. The university encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities in addition to their academic interests since it lays a high focus on holistic education.

NTU is renowned for its dedication to developing a smart campus. It makes use of technology and data analytics to boost sustainability, increase campus operations efficiency, and give students access to a cutting-edge learning environment.

Multidisciplinary Research

To tackle intricate worldwide issues, NTU promotes multidisciplinary research. The institution encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, creating a vibrant research atmosphere where specialists from different domains collaborate on complex projects.

Asian School of the Environment (ASE)

Specialising in multidisciplinary environmental research, the Asian School of the Environment is housed at NTU. The school addresses important environmental challenges like biodiversity loss, climate change, and sustainable development that affect both Asia and the rest of the world.