Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Tag: Tableeg

Delhi Police tightens grip around Maulana Saad’s son and core team

New Delhi.     The Crime Branch of Delhi Police has seized the bank documents and other important papers of the son of Tablighi...

Tabligee book and Anushka Sharma’s web series

  ‘फ़ज़ाइले आमाल’ को फ़िल्म में बता दिया ‘आतंकवादियों’ की किताब आस मोहम्मद कैफ  लॉकडाऊन के दौरान डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म अमेज़ॉन पर रिलीज़ हुई वेब...

Now, foreigner Tableegi will be in detention centre in Tamilnadu

  Tamil Muslim Group Opposes Foreign Tabligi Jamat member’s detention in Special Camp Syed Ali Mujtaba. Chennai Tamil Nadu government has constructed a foreigner’s detention center at the...

Indian mainstream media: A wake up call for minorities

  By Ghazanfar Ali Khan. Indian journalism has had a long history of professionalism, operating within the infrastructure and the ethical parameters. But what is...

Left Islamophobia: A Critique Of Shamsul Islam’s writing on Tablighi Jamaat

 Abhay Kumar. Shamsul Islam is a former professor of political science at University of Delhi. He is known in academia as a leftist scholar....

Hate-mongering, India’s jan-Andolan has echo in Gulf

Syed Ali Mujtaba India's former Foreign Secretary M K Rasgotra (1982-85), speaking at the seventh Non Aligned summit held in New Delhi in March...

Negative news is more dangerous than fake news

  Syed Ali Mujtaba           chennai Negative reporting is more dangerous than Fake News. That’s what has happened to the news item erroneously...