Friday, July 5, 2024
Home Tags Sonal Shah and Amit Jani

Tag: Sonal Shah and Amit Jani

Human Rights Coalitions Warn Fareed Zakaria About Religious Extremist Links of...

Human Rights Coalitions Warn that Sonal Shah and Other Champions of Militant Hindu Supremacism (Hindutva) are Trying to Re-invent Themselves as Champions of Asian...

Do not nominate Sonal Shah to lead OMB, intense lobbing by...

She has links with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad America (VHPA), a sister wing of VHP, a strident Hindu extremist group in India  New York Neera...

ASPAIRE’s Effort Pays Off: Biden keeps Out Democrats With RSS Links

 Sonal Shah as well as Amit Jani, who worked on the Biden campaign team have so far been excluded Washington American society riven by Joe...