Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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Tag: prophet SAW

Indian Madrassas — A need For Reorientation

If the Indian madrassas could reorient themselves, it may silence their critics besides influencing the government to support these initiatives. Asad Mirza The first institute...

Opinion: Right to offend can’t be an unalienable part to free...

 Laws must be enacted to outlaw abuse of religious icons  Mohammed Hussain Ahmed French President Emmanauel Macron declared that free speech includes the right to...

Opinion: Thy freedom is divine,my freedom is vice!

 M. Burhanuddin Qasmi Freedom of speech or freedom of expression is the phrase popular in the Western part of our planet in the recent...

Hussein bin Ali RA at Karbala- A stand for truth &...

Omer  As'ad Bajabar  Human history is a never-ending story of Abuse, Oppression, Injustice, Cruelty, Murder, and Genocide by those who are in Power against...