Friday, July 5, 2024
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Tag: Babri masjid

Babri Masjid :now and then; what is in store?

SHOULD MUSLIMS FORGET 6 DECEMBER 1992?   By Muddassir Ahmad Qasmi  About 27 years back on 6 December 1992, evil forces demolished the historical Babri Masjid...

Babri case,Muslim leaders must introspect nurturing community

Since the 1990s, the primary impulse for Muslims has been ‘survival’, not ‘existence’  By Abdulhafiz lakhani    Ahmedabad  After recent Babri Masjid Verdict by SC, Muslims...

अख्तरुल इमान जीतकर लोकसभा पहुंचते हैं तो वहां मेरी ताकत दोगुनी...

 आरोप लगाया कि जब से नरेंद्र मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बने हैं तब से गरीबों, अल्पसंख्यकों पर अत्याचार के मामले काफी बढ़े हैं     किशनगंज       ...

Congress befooled Muslims, but Mr, Modi ji, Hindus are not...

An open letter by veteran journalist Prashant Dayal Narendrabhai, Now that you're the prime minister of the country, you deserve all the respect and admiration you...

Babri Masjid: What should Muslims do?

The Muslim community and its political leaders are doing well by maintaining silence over the Babri Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi dispute  Irfan Engineer           ...

अयोध्या में मस्जिद का दावा छोड़ें मुसलमान:शरीयत के मुताबिक मस्जिद स्थानांतरित... news desk       अयोध्या इस्लामिक विद्वान मौलाना सलमान नदवी ने मुसलमानों से अपील की है कि देशहित में अयोध्या में मस्जिद का...

Atal Bihari Vajpayee And the Muslims

Here are some examples of how BJP, under the leadership of Mr Vajpayee, implemented the agenda of Hindutva  By M Ghazali Khan       ...