39 Job Offers rolled out in a successful Job Fair, conducted by FuGenEd (an EduSpheres Incubation Center)!!



Prayagraj, 20th April 2023 – FuGenEd (An EduSpheres Incubation Centre) hosted a job fair yesterday with the aim of connecting job seekers with potential employers. Participated by several local businesses and organisations, the event was open to the public and provided attendees with an opportunity to explore career options, connect with employers, and learn more about the job market.

The job fair that took place from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm was a resounding success, attracting a considerable turnout of over 112 job seekers. This indicates a strong interest and demand for employment opportunities within the area. The event featured participation from more than 10 employers spanning various industries, including Spectrum Management, Amdani, G4S Security, and Dulset Museum.

One notable feature of the job fair was the presence of a medical camp organised by Naaz Hospital. The medical camp provided free checkups to the attendees, highlighting the organisers’ commitment to the overall well-being of the job seekers.

The success of the job fair is further emphasised by the fact that 39 individuals received employment offers on the spot. This indicates a high level of satisfaction and effectiveness in connecting job seekers with potential employers.

Overall, the job fair served as a valuable platform for job seekers to explore employment opportunities and for employers to find suitable candidates. The participation of multiple employers and the inclusion of a medical camp added additional value to the event, making it a well-rounded and beneficial experience for all involved.