Hyderabad: ‘Covid-19’ emergency relief services launched by Al Hamd- Mesco


Around 400 people including doctors and paramedics who will work 24×7 to tend to emergency calls

  Nikhat Fatima,  Siyasat.net
Hyderabad: Al Hamd foundation and Mesco foundation who have joined hands to work extensively on COVID relief operations in containment zones of Hyderabad-Secunderabad today formally launched their project.
The project aims at working in containment zones at 2 levels – one is creating awareness amongst the masses on preventing the disease and another is care to those who have been affected. There are around 400 people including doctors and paramedics who will work 24×7 to tend to emergency calls.
There is a the team that will go door to door creating awareness by educating the people what to and what not to do in order to remain safe, and in case they have mild symptoms they will be educated on self-quarantine.
Apart from educating them, the team will also deliver the relief kits that will contain all things needed for taking care of the patient as well as the attendant such as gloves, masks, sanitizer, soaps, tissues, thermometer, oxy-meter, medicines to boost immunity and so on.
The inauguration was done at the hands of A K  Khan, former IPS of Hyderabad and advisor to the Government of Telangana. The other dignitaries present were Ahmed A Balala, MLA from AMIM party, Dr Abdul Quadeer of Shaheen Group, and Dr Wasif Azam, Medical Advisor.
7 No’s of Ambulances were also flagged-off from the Mesco Auditorium Malakpet. These ambulances will also be available round the clock and free of cost. The ambulances will be used when the patient who is under home-quarantine is critical and needs to be hospitalized for further treatment. The ambulances will be equipped with oxygen concentrators to save time arranging for an oxygen cylinder.
The guests present for the occasion appreciated this mission initiated by Al Ham and Mesco jointly as it is one of a kind and is the need of the hour considering the increasing cases of COVID in the city.
All the arrangements for the inaugural program were made by Mrs Fakhrunnisa Faheem, Director of Education Mesco .
Mesco provides technical support, Al Hamd Foundation takes care of the entire operational aspects of the project and also bear the expenses of the entire project. Al Hamd and Mesco have been working together on such philanthropic activities from more than 30 years.
We want to boost immunity levels of people and treat Symptomatic Patients though our Concept of Home Care, and be ready for assistance to Critical Patients as well.” said Mr Mohammed Azeemuddin, chairperson of Al Hamd. He also thanked Dr. Fakhruddin, general Secretary of the Mesco Foundation, who is the leading the medical team of at least 300 doctors.
(www.siyasat.net is Ahmedabad,Gujarat,India based website)