Obituary:Versatile personality Abdul Bari Momin died: grief in Educational circles

Syed Samiullah Hussaini   Hyderabad.
On last  Friday 3rd July 2020,  a great philonthropic academician, Editor and writer Mr.Abdul Bari Momin(Bhiwandi) who was associated with JIH Maharashtra and All India Ideal Teachers Association (AIITA) passed away after mild health issues.
Mr.Momin was an ex all India President of AIITA which is a national level idealogical organisation working since decades for moral and professional development of teachers working in schools,colleges, Madarsas and universities.
 On 04/07/2020 AIITA’s national secretary Mr.Murshid Ali issued a condolence note in which it is stated that Mr.Momin served as all India President of AIITA and presently he was serving as finance secretary and editor in chief of Afqar E Moalim (AIITA’s megazine for teachers publish from Delhi).He was an able teacher and worked alot for the expansion of association and his services as all India President has been exemplary.He also did marvellous job in introducing computer education to the Bhiwandi town of Mumbai,further Mr.Ali added that sudden demise of Mr.Momin is a great loss for Tehreek E Islami and AIITA has lost a sincere, helpful custodian and guardian.
Late Mr.Abdul Bari Momin was a very humble person and he was a man of mission and a living lesson for young generation.I had quite a few meetings with him when he was on his official visits to Hyderabad.
Only fine speeches and lengthy articles can’t change the faith and future of any society.People want practical performance of person/s on all dimensions of human potentials then only a ray of change and positivity emerges and spread in desired direction.Mr Momin was a duty and service minded teacher a dedicated preacher and a torch bearer for number of buding teachers.
May AllahHyderabad. (SWT) accept all his good deeds,grant him high place in paradise,bless patience to his family members along with AIITA family and teachers’ fraternity, award a suitable substitute for association… Aameen Summa Aameen.
( is Ahmedabad, Gujarat, india based website)
(Writer is a teacher at MANUU Model School Hyderabad)