Will AI benefit or hurt India? This is what Gita Gopinath of the IMF says.


Will AI benefit or hurt India? This is what Gita Gopinath of the IMF says. According to a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) assessment, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is expected to have an impact on about 40% of jobs worldwide.

IMF Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath told India Today TV News Director Rahul Kanwal in an exclusive interview that while the report has caused concern around the world, Gen AI will also have a beneficial impact on some occupations and increase productivity.Will AI benefit or hurt India? This is what Gita Gopinath of the IMF says.

About 40% of jobs worldwide, according to our estimation, are susceptible. However, in certain of those positions, you are exposed to AI in a beneficial way that boosts productivity, so being vulnerable need not always be a bad thing.

On the fringes of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Gopinath said to India Today TV, “But then you could have the other kind of exposure where you get displaced.”

She continued by explaining that each nation will be exposed to AI differently. Thus, if you look at the US, our exposure is roughly 60%.

Approximately thirty percent of that was commending the employee, and the remaining thirty percent did not,” the spokesperson said.

She claimed that in India, the exposure to AI is only about 30% because a sizable portion of the labor force is employed in agriculture.

Therefore, India doesn’t quite have the same detrimental impact on the labor market as other countries.However, it is also losing out on AI’s advantages, Gopinath added.

Will India, however, be able to benefit from the swift worldwide adoption of AI? Gopinath claims that the “right kind of regulation” combined with a high degree of human capital, greater room for innovation, and strong digital infrastructure will enable countries to reap the benefits.