IT-Jobs (12/01/2024)


Electrical (OHE) Supervisor

An Electrical Overhead Equipment (OHE) Supervisor is a professional responsible for overseeing the maintenance, installation, and operation of electrical systems related to overhead equipment. This role is often associated with railway systems, where overhead lines supply power to trains through a catenary system.Supervisor

Here are some key responsibilities and tasks typically associated with the role of an OHE Supervisor:

Maintenance and Inspection: Supervise the regular maintenance and inspection of overhead electrical equipment to ensure proper functionality and compliance with safety standards.

Installation and Commissioning: Oversee the installation and commissioning of new overhead electrical equipment. This may involve coordinating with a team of technicians and ensuring that the installation is carried out according to specifications.

Troubleshooting: Investigate and resolve electrical issues or faults in the overhead equipment. This could involve diagnosing problems, repairing or replacing faulty components, and ensuring that the system is back in operation promptly.

Safety Compliance: Ensure that all work related to electrical systems follows safety regulations and standards. This includes providing proper training to staff, conducting safety audits, and implementing safety procedures.

Team Management: Supervise a team of technicians and workers involved in the maintenance and operation of overhead electrical equipment. This may involve scheduling work, assigning tasks, and ensuring that the team is adequately trained.

Documentation: Maintain accurate records of maintenance activities, inspections, and repairs. Documentation is essential for compliance, future reference, and reporting purposes.

Coordination with Other Departments: Collaborate with other departments, such as engineering and operations, to ensure seamless integration of electrical systems with other railway components.

Emergency Response: Be prepared to respond to emergency situations, such as power outages or equipment failures, and implement contingency plans to minimize disruptions to train services.

Training and Development: Provide training and development opportunities for the OHE team to enhance their skills and knowledge of new technologies and procedures.

Budget Management: Manage the budget allocated for the maintenance and operation of overhead electrical equipment. This includes forecasting costs, tracking expenses, and optimizing resources.

Overall, an OHE Supervisor plays a crucial role in maintaining the reliability and safety of electrical systems in railway operations. This involves a combination of technical expertise, leadership skills, and a commitment to safety and compliance.