Will your back benefit from this 10-second glute stretch?


Will your back benefit from this 10-second glute stretch? Your bones and joints will differ greatly depending on your level of physical fitness. Therefore, it’s a good idea to perform a few stretches that might facilitate the body’s opening up and assist avoid strains.

A licensed massage therapist and professional health and wellness coach James Moore suggests the glute stretch as one such exercise that helps ease lower back pain.

This stretch should be done if your back hurts. It facilitates glute muscle stretching! Along with many other muscles, the glutes are important for stabilizing and movable hip joint both internally and externally, which helps support the pelvis. This can be a major contributing factor to lower back discomfort.

Does extending help?

Known by most as the butt or hips, the glutes are the longest and strongest muscular group in your body. The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus are the three muscles that comprise the glutes region. These three muscles support your ability to raise, rotate, and extend your legs by always acting in concert with one another.

Several back pain situations may be relieved by this stretch, according to Dr. Sudhir Kumar, a neurologist at Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad. Nevertheless, not all back pain instances will be resolved by this stretch, and in some circumstances, it can even make the pain worse.

This stretch can be helpful if the cause of your back discomfort is weak muscles and muscular spasms. Conversely, a lot of back pain instances come from slipped discs compressing the lumbar nerves, which go from the back to the legs. Back extension exercises are better in these situations, he noted.

Osteoporosis and a vitamin D deficiency can cause back discomfort in certain circumstances. Dr. Kumar stated, “It is obvious that pain would not go away unless we correct the underlying deficiency or give the appropriate treatment.”

In order to determine the underlying cause of back pain, it is crucial that a person experiencing it first be assessed by a neurologist and a physiotherapist. Dr. Kumar stated, “After that, the most targeted exercise and any other medical treatment can be appropriately advised.”