Markaz Nizamuddin saga: A sad day for India

Kaniza Garari
It is a sad day for India and more so for Indian Muslims whose prayer congregation is once again a target by media directed by hate mongers.
Such irresponsible journalism makes even one within the ilk hit out at the propaganda brigade where basics of check, recheck, verify and re –verify are not followed.
Times of Fake and Propaganda News have filled newsrooms with all types of people – whose job is to protect their ideology and not their profession.
Such punters were earlier only fringe elements and kept by managements as dealers to sort out their dirty work.
These fringe elements are now centre stage as they are required for every dealing in organisations.
Why do I say ideology? Due to the reason, that often when issues are raised pertaining to minorities you have to bear with this line – your ideology is different from mine and lets accept it that we are driven by our ideologies in news rooms.
Weird. In all these years I was never blatantly told about my religion or my thinking – infact – it was more weird for me as I never carried the religion on my shoulder.  
To think of it, if I could be subjected to such disgusting chatter – what would those who adorn burkha, skull cap and pajama’s be subjected to.
It is the sheer knee jerk reaction, tuned ideology and mind set of both communities who refuse to come out from the halo and look beyond. For how long are we to take dictated thought processes and lap it up as signature truth rather than taking the pain to ascertain the actual fact. I would not even want to know what is true because truth is very subjective and laced with inclinations of mind. Facts are those that speak for themselves.
Facts in the case of Markaz Nizamuddin were not expected from hate bandwagons but at least Delhi government should have taken reports from its department.
It took a detailed press release and Youtube clarification to bring to the notice of government, Television channels and people as to what steps have been taken at the ground level.
While this case has been highlighted with full josh will the other religious gatherings also be given the same treatment?
India before the lockdown had innumerable congregations, conferences, marriages and political meetings where full cabinet wanted to impress upon Trump. There were warnings issued then by none other than Indian Medical Council to the government but not heeded. 
There was no semblance of order till World Health Organisation declared Covid 19 as pandemic. It was only after that steps were taken. To blame a community or a section of people is a fashion statement in India. To many it is a grin and bear situation. As the people in India, refuse to see 80 per cent of the community who are indoors and following the lockdown.
They need someone to spew their hate on and the 20 per cent are their targets. What are their reasons to be out or not follow? No one cares. Rather no one is interested in knowing.
It is the elite who are dictating terms here and why should they care for the underprivileged? Weren’t they always supposed to be at the lower levels of society?
Even a bloody Covid 19, cannot take this attitude away.
It re-affirms the fact that for 25 per cent humans, 75 per cent of mankind will suffer. For ages we have never worked out a solution for dealing with this 25 per cent. Do we need a targeted virus to do the job?
Flipside – my friends are complaining that it is like a prison. Darlings, it is only 7 days – think of Kashmiri’s they spent 7 months and that too without internet. God also learns from humans. He smartly replicated the model presented to him.
Upside – Not everyone is scared of hard times and the positive ones are ensuring best time with family. Like a friend said – it is like living in ancient times – me, my kids and my family – wonder if I will ever get that time again. ( is Ahmedabad, Gujarat based website. U can reach at
(Taken from writer’s blog. She is a senior journalist, with Deccan Chronicle, Hyderabad)