Clean India Campaign


The Clean India Campaign, commonly referred to as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, is a government-led initiative to promote sanitation and cleanliness across the country that was started in 2014. By encouraging cleanliness, hygiene, and appropriate sanitation practises, the campaign seeks to promote a clean and healthy environment for all Indian inhabitants.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a significant project that incorporates numerous government departments, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals. Urban sanitation and rural sanitation are the two main focuses of the campaign.

To end open defecation, the programme concentrates on increasing sanitation facilities and building toilets in rural regions. The government offers households financial aid to build toilets, and numerous NGOs and community-based organisations seek to raise knowledge of the advantages of using toilets and practising good hygiene.

The campaign’s primary goals in metropolitan areas are raising awareness of waste management, enhancing waste collection and disposal methods, and encouraging the use of public restrooms. The programme also encourages the usage of sustainable and eco-friendly practises such composting, recycling, and trash segregation.

Since its inception, the Clean India Campaign has been effective in making a big difference. Government statistics show a considerable decline in the number of rural homes without toilets and an increase in the proportion of households with access to toilets. Additionally, there are more villages now without open defecation.

Additionally, the programme has raised people’s understanding of the value of cleanliness and hygiene, which has changed how they behave. To promote the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the government has organised a number of cleanliness drives, awareness campaigns, and other events in collaboration with other organisations.

The Clean India Campaign is an important initiative for the country, as it aims to address some of the most pressing issues related to public health and the environment. It is not just a government initiative, but a people’s movement that has the potential to create a cleaner and healthier India.