Jamiat Delegation meets Home minister on communal violence , calls upon him to take action ‘guilty’ officials


Siyasat.net News desk

New delhi

 In the wake of spurt in communal violence, a delegation of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (M) Thursday met the Home Minister of India Rajnath Singh and urged him to take “stringent action” against those civil and police officials who failed in their duty to protect life and properties of the people. It also reminded that the assurance given to the Jamiat leadership in this regard.

The delegation, under Maulana Mahmood Madani, Jamiat general secretary, called on Rajnath Singh and expressed grave concern over the recent spurt in communal violence on Ram Navami in various parts of the country including Bihar, West Bengal and Delhi.   Using the pretext of Ram Navami, communal elements attacked places of worships and properties of the minority community while the law enforcement agencies failed in their duties.

The delegation submitted a memorandum to the minister  asking the government  “to take stringent action against the law enforcement agencies and their officials who failed in their duty to maintain law and order and protect the lives and properties of the citizens.”

“We had been assured earlier that communal violence would be dealt with firmly and the government would take effective and urgent measures to ensure the safety and security of people’s life and property. However, our constant pleas with the authorities have failed completely and there seems to be no end to the grievous and alarming situation and more specially the silence of the authorities encourages the miscreants as they turned blind eyes towards their nefarious and anti social / anti national activities, ” Maulana Madani said

“Therefore, we are constrained to come back to you again with the earnest plea to please take effective and appropriate actions immediately to stop the acts of aggression upon the innocent citizen.”

“No civilized society can abandon its minorities and weaker sections to the mercy of hooligans as it is happening now. We hope that the Government would make efforts seriously to protect the lives and property of its citizen keeping up with its constitutional duty.”

Maulana Madani told the media persons after the meeting that the Home Minister heard us patiently and assured that his government would take appropriate action for restoring normalcy. Besides Maulana Madani, the delegation comprised of  Maulana Niaz Ahmad Farooqui, advocate Shakeel Ahmad Sayed, Maulana Hakeemudin Qasmi etc.


  1. No country can stand in a race of development with neglecting it’s 20% of body part.. It’s called handicapped

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