Gujarat: A new model of Covid scams; Congress busted ‘vikas’ claim’

By Abdul Hafiz Lakhani.
The propaganda of the ‘Gujarat Model’ has been busted by Congress, the state government has been exposed of scams during the COVID crisis, fake ventilators claimed hundreds of lives and mask scam shows how government is trying to make profit during the pandemic, High Court has sought a report from Gujarat government in the mismanagement of the COVID crisis
The Gujarat ‘Model’ now sets a new record in mismanaged corona crisis and scams
1. Gujaral now a model for mismanaged corona crisis and scams
The state tops the charts with maximum number of corona positive cases and deaths in a short span of time
2.More than 13000 COVID-19 cases and 830 deaths in Gujarat
The Fake ventilator scam has shocked the country where the close aide of PM Narendra Modi,businessman Virani’s company was supplying low grade ventilators to the hospitals
3. Fake ventilators claimed many lives in Gujarat
Soon after the fake Ventilator scam came into light, the Gujarat government was exposed of the mask scam where the N-95 masks procured at ₹ 49.61 were being sold at ₹65 at the Amul parlours.
4. Gujarat government is selling masks at a profit of ₹15
Congress has been questioning PM and Home Minister for the scams by the Gujarat government as both hail from Gujarat and have been projecting the Gujarat Model of development and administration
5. Congress has questioned the Gujarat Model
Congress spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi has slammed the PM , Home Minister and the Gujarat government for being insensitive in the time of crisis
6. Abhishek Manu Singhvi slammed the PM and Home Minister
Bite Abhishek Manu Singhvi-spokesperson-Congress
The Gujarat High Court has also questioned the Gujarat government for mal practices and wrong handling of the COVID-19 crisis
7.Gujarat High court blasted the Gujarat government
Human life is precious and cannot be wasted, the Gujarat High Court said,pulling up the Civil Hospital in Ahmedabad, one of the largest in the country, for its handling of COVID-19 cases and patients.
8.Human life is precious and cannot be wasted: HC
Labeling the hospital that has recorded over 350 COVID-19 deaths a “dungeon”, the court pointed out that “poor and helpless patients had no option” but to rely on it during this medical crisis.
9.Gujarat Civil hospital us a ‘dungeon’: HC
The Civil Hospital has reported the highest number of coronavirus-related deaths in the state, the bench observed. “If we calculate (the) weekly deaths, the Civil Hospital still contributes to (the) highest (number of) deaths during the last eight weeks.
10 The Civil hospital has reported highest number of deaths
It is very distressing to note that most of the patients in the Civil Hospital are dying after four days or more of the treatment. This indicates complete lack of critical care,” it said.
11 Death within 4 days of treatment shows lack of critical care:HC
Ahmedabad alone has more than 10,000 cases, with 277 fresh incidences of the infection detected Saturday. The city has reported 669 deaths linked to the virus.
12. Ahmedabad has reported more than 11,000 cases
In its order, the court also slammed the state’s Health Minister Nitinbhai Ratilal Patel, seeking a report from Vijay Rupani-led state government.
13. High Court has asked for a report from Gujarat government
Congress has also questioned the Gujarat government for the fake ventilators, mask scams and lack of critical care facilities at hospitals
14. Congress questions the Gujarat government for scams and chaos
Prime Minister and Home Minister must take the responsibility of the deaths in Gujarat, said Congress
15. PM Modi and Amit Shah must take the responsibility of collapsed Gujarat Model.
(With Media Input)