IT-Jobs (03/02/2024)

Cloud computing. Cloud technology. Data storage, data transfer, Networking, and internet service concept, technology internet storage network

Cloud Developer

An expert in creating programs and solutions that make use of cloud computing technologies is known as a cloud developer. Rather than depending on physical hardware or on-premises infrastructure, cloud computing enables users to access and use computer resources (such as servers, storage, databases, networking, and software) over the internet.Cloud DeveloperThe duties and competencies of a Cloud Developer encompass:

Development of Applications:

  • Composing software and creating cloud-based applications.
  • Using Python, Java, C#, or other programming languages as required by the cloud service provider.

Platforms for the Cloud:

  • Working knowledge of leading cloud service providers such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and others.
  • Recognizing and utilizing the databases, machine learning, storage, computing power, and other services offered by these platforms.

Code for Infrastructure (IaC):

  • Using programs like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation, automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources by putting Infrastructure as Code principles into practice.

Containers and Microservices:

  • Utilizing containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools like Kubernetes, along with microservices architecture to develop apps.

Computing without a server:

  • Constructing serverless apps that manage infrastructure and scale automatically so developers can concentrate just on writing code.

Safety and Adherence:

  • Ensuring compliance and security requirements are met by cloud-based apps and solutions.
  • Putting in place security mechanisms including monitoring, identification and access management, and encryption.

Continuous Deployment/Continuous Integration (CI/CD):

  • Putting in place CI/CD pipelines to automate cloud application testing, development, and deployment.

Observation and Enhancement:

  • Putting in place logging and monitoring tools to keep tabs on application performance and manage resources more cheaply.





