Wednesday, July 3, 2024
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अहमद पटेल सुपुर्द-ए-खाक: राहुल गांधी की शिरकत,कांग्रेस का एक अहम युग समाप्त

  Abdul hafiz lakhani भरूच: कांग्रेस के वरिष्ठ नेता अहमद पटेल को गुजरात के भरूच जिले के उनके पैतृक गांव पीरामन में बृहस्पतिवार को सुपुर्द-ए-खाक कर...

Ahmed patel urges to send Central team to Gujarat

New Delhi. Senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel said on Tuesday that a Central team should also be sent to Gujarat and that the exercise...

Bharuch seat: votes may split, benefit goes to BJP 

Congress faces big challenge from BPT and BJP, as  Triangular contest looks on cards By  Abdul hafiz lakhani       Bharuch   Gujarat, Prime Minister...

Reprieve for Ahmed Patel,tough battle for Congress as new face Sherkhan...

Organisational responsibilities may have prevented Mr Ahmed Patel as he is also the party’s treasurer who is tasked with the responsibility of mobilising funds...