Laval University


Situated in Quebec City, Canada, Laval institution (Université Laval) is a public research institution that speaks French. Being one of the oldest educational institutions in North America and the oldest in Canada, it was established in 1663. In honour of François de Montmorency-Laval, the first Bishop of New France, Laval University bears his name.


There are other satellite campuses spread over the province of Quebec in addition to the main campus, which is located in Quebec City.

Language of Instruction

At Laval University, French is used mostly for instruction. Numerous undergraduate and graduate programmes in a range of subjects are available at the institution.


Laval University is renowned for its contributions to a wide range of subjects, including engineering, the humanities, social sciences, health sciences, and natural sciences. The university features institutes and research centres dedicated to expanding knowledge and creativity.


Laval University provides a wide range of graduate, undergraduate, and professional degree programmes. A wide range of academic fields are covered by the programmes, including business, law, science, engineering, and the arts.

Campus Life

With a wide range of student groups, organisations, and cultural events, Laval University offers a lively campus life. In addition, the university provides libraries, sports facilities, and other services to help with students’ general development and well-being.

Health Sciences and Medical School

Laval University is well-known for its contributions to health sciences research as well as for its medical school, Faculté de médecine. With collaborations with significant hospitals and healthcare organisations, the university places a high priority on medical education.